Error When Importing Statistics

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 导入统计信息的时候报错

| username: 胡杨树旁

Exporting the execution plan of table t1 and then importing it into t2 results in an error.

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

The port number in the export command is the status port 10080, not 4000. The export file is a text file, and you can directly modify the table name inside it and import it into the corresponding table.

| username: 胡杨树旁 | Original post link

Teacher, I have successfully exported after changing the port number.
Teacher, are you saying that I can directly change the table name to t2 here?

| username: 胡杨树旁 | Original post link

Thank you, it has been resolved.

| username: TiDB社区小助手 | Original post link

Remember to mark the corresponding answer as “Best Answer” once the issue is resolved~

| username: system | Original post link

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