Error When Starting DM Task

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: DM 启动任务报错

| username: jerry

TiDB Version: 5.7.25-TiDB-v5.0.0
DM webUI 6.0

Issue: Synchronizing other databases works fine, but when synchronizing the transaction database, some tables report “fail to initial unit Load of subtask.”

| username: xiaohetao | Original post link

Is there any difference between this table and other tables? Can you show the table structure?

| username: db_user | Original post link

The error message indicates that there is an error in the table creation statement. Try executing that table creation statement in the downstream TiDB to see what happens.

| username: jerry | Original post link

The downstream of TiDB has this table, with the same table structure.

| username: db_user | Original post link

I mean the “create table dm_meta” statement, run this statement, and it would be best if you could send the error from the dm logs.

| username: jerry | Original post link

Are you saying that I should execute this segment in TiDB?

| username: jerry | Original post link

It should have nothing to do with the table structure. I have checked the table structure and there is no problem.

| username: db_user | Original post link

Yes, also if you have detailed logs of the worker, please provide them as well.

| username: jerry | Original post link

The table under dm_date is missing 3 compared to the normal oneimage

| username: db_user | Original post link

So, are you executing that create table SQL downstream to see if there are any errors?
Two things, if it’s convenient for you, please do:

  1. Provide the DM logs
  2. Execute the create table SQL downstream
| username: jerry | Original post link

Okay, it needs to be put into production. Once there are results, I will send them to you for assistance. Thank you.

| username: db_user | Original post link

Okay, that sounds a bit troublesome. If it doesn’t involve any confidentiality, please send me the table creation statement, and I’ll execute it here. Also, I would like to ask about the version of DM.

| username: jerry | Original post link

DM version 6.0 webUI
Thank you. I just tried this task in the development environment and there was no problem. Then I compared the fields in development and production, and there was no issue. What could be the reason?

| username: db_user | Original post link

I suspect that the table name for this task is too long and exceeds the limit, causing the table creation to fail. If the task name in the test environment is the same, the final generated task table in dm_meta will be the same as the task table in your error report, and if the character set collation in the test and production environments is the same, then my guess is wrong. You can investigate along this line of thought. It might be difficult for you to provide information, so this blind guess is as far as I can go. The length is the same as the length of the table in your error report.

| username: Ann_ann | Original post link

You can manually create this database downstream, and then grant the following permissions: GRANT Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create, Drop, Alter, Index ON dm_meta.* TO user@‘’; After granting the permissions, it should work.

| username: jerry | Original post link

Thank you very much, it has been resolved. I would like to ask if you have encountered this kind of issue while running tasks?

| username: jerry | Original post link

Thank you!!

| username: db_user | Original post link

The execution of the statement failed because TiDB and MySQL are not fully compatible. Some statements may fail on the TiDB side due to incompatibility or configuration issues. When encountering such problems, you can find the actual statement executed by MySQL based on the binary location and check what error is reported downstream. If possible, modify the statement; if not, you can use a workaround or other methods.

| username: xiaohetao | Original post link

Did you manage to copy successfully just by shortening the table name?

| username: jerry | Original post link

Yes, it has been resolved.