This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: 使用虚拟列后某些DML执行报错
[TiDB Version] TiDB V6.5.9, V7.5.1 both have this issue,
[Impact of the Bug] DML statements cannot be executed
[Possible Steps to Reproduce the Issue]
col1 bigint(20) NOT NULL,
col2 varchar(36) NOT NULL,
col3 int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
col4 varchar(36) NOT NULL,
col5 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
modify_time bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
create_time bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
col6 json DEFAULT NULL,
col7 json DEFAULT NULL,
col8 json GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_merge_patch(ifnull(col6, _utf8mb4'{}'), ifnull(col7, _utf8mb4'{}'))) STORED,
col9 varchar(36) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (left(json_unquote(json_extract(col8, _utf8mb4'$.col9[0]')), 36)) VIRTUAL,
col10 varchar(30) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (left(json_unquote(json_extract(col8, _utf8mb4'$.col10')), 30)) VIRTUAL,
KEY dev_idx1 (col4, col1, col10, col3, col5),
KEY dev_idx2 (col3, col1, col9)
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (-100000000, '123459789332', 1, '123459789332', 'AAAAA', 1675871871, 1675760995, '{"col10": "CCCCC", "col9": ["ABCDEFG"]}', '{"col10": "DDDDD", "col9": ["abcdefg"]}', DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (-100000000, '123459789332', 1, '123459789332', 'BBBBB', 1675908861, 1675908861, '{"col10": "CCCCC", "col9": ["ABCDEFG"]}', NULL, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (0, '123459789332', 1, '123459789332', 'AAAAA', 1675956409, 1675908882, '{"col10": "CCCCC", "col9": ["ABCDEFG"]}', '{"col10": "DDDDD", "col9": ["abcdefg"]}', DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (-100000000, '123459789332', 1, '123459789332', 'BBBBB', 1675871896, 1675871896, '{"col10": "CCCCC", "col9": ["ABCDEFG"]}', NULL, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (-100000000, '123459789332', 1, '123459789332', 'AAAAA', 1675908836, 1675871916, '{"col10": "CCCCC", "col9": ["ABCDEFG"]}', '{"col10": "DDDDD", "col9": ["abcdefg"]}', DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
UPDATE test1 SET col7 = '{"col10":"DDDDD","col9":["abcdefg"]}' WHERE col2 = '123459789332';
UPDATE test1 SET col1 = -100000000 WHERE col4 = '123459789332';
DELETE FROM test1 WHERE col1 < 0;
[Observed Unexpected Behavior] DELETE reports an error
[Expected Behavior] DELETE should execute normally
[Other Background Information or Screenshots]
PS: In version V5.4.0, the above SQL can be executed, but it will cause a bug where data and indexes are inconsistent.