[Event Review & Materials Download] Shijiazhuang Meetup: TiKV+TiFlash Practice, IoT Business Database Selection, Retail Business Data Warehouse Construction Based on TiDB

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Original topic: 【活动回顾 & 资料下载】石家庄地区 Meetup,TiKV+TiFlash实践,IOT 业务库选型,基于TiDB的零售业务数仓建设

| username: YY-ha

“Today’s temperature is 41 degrees Celsius, those who can come are truly dedicated.”

On June 25th, the TiDB regional technical exchange event kicked off in Shijiazhuang. Tech enthusiasts from Zhongke Hengyun, Hebei Electric Power, Yilian Cloud Computing, Hebei Hongtu, and others gathered to discuss their respective technology stacks. Special thanks to the Shijiazhuang regional organizer @Biancheng Yuanyuan for organizing and preparing this event. This session’s main topics included TiKV + TiFlash solutions for accelerating complex business queries, building data warehouses for supply chain, warehousing, and retail business based on TiDB, IoT business database selection, transitioning from MySQL to MySQL + Cassandra + Clickhouse, and graph database processing practices for billions of data points.

Download Area

TiKV TiFlash Accelerating Complex Business Queries.pdf (427.2 KB)

Graph Database Practices for Billions of Data Points.pdf (707.4 KB)

IoT Device Management Platform Database Selection.pdf (1.2 MB)

Building Data Warehouses for Supply Chain, Warehousing, and New Retail Business Based on TiDB.pdf (538.8 KB)

Event Highlights

Due to the pandemic, many offline events could not be held as scheduled. Therefore, at the end of April, we launched a “Regional Organizer” recruitment plan to the community. Fortunately, we received a lot of support from community members right from the start. Under the normalized pandemic control, “regional gatherings” have become a great opportunity for everyone to meet new friends offline and discuss technical practices. We hope more and more friends will join in the future. There are exclusive community ID travel mugs and organizer badges available :slight_smile:

Organizer Application: TiDB 社区- 地区组织者招募 - PingCAP 表单

| username: xfworld | Original post link

Worth checking out~ :cowboy_hat_face:

| username: BraveChen | Original post link

Wuhan is almost OK.

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

True love indeed~ :cowboy_hat_face:

| username: 边城元元 | Original post link

All are true love.