[Event Review & Materials Download] Wuhan Meetup: Moderators Share TiDB POC Testing, TiDB Development Operations Ideas, and OSS Insight Demo Show

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Original topic: 【活动回顾 & 资料下载】武汉地区Meetup,看版主们分享 TiDB POC 测试,TiDB 开发操作的想法,以及 OSS Insight Demo Show

| username: YY-ha

Reunion in Wuhan! Iron Fans in the Heat

Last December, TiDB made its first appearance in Wuhan, where we had face-to-face discussions with over 70 participants about open-source data architecture. After half a year, the community moderator from Wuhan (AskTUG website administrator) organized this offline meetup to discuss TiDB, Clickhouse, and other technical topics. Additionally, an engineer from the original team presented a live demo of OSS Insight.

The charm of the open-source community largely comes from these offline exchanges where everyone shares their current tech stack, experiences, and tips to avoid pitfalls. It’s informative, fun, and there’s “drinks” (beverages and snacks). This is what TiDB regional events are all about~

[Download Area]

How to Conduct a TiDB POC Test — By @hey-hoho

Clickhouse Optimization for Update Scenarios — By @mono

Thoughts and Prospects on TiDB Development Operations — By @xfworld

Demo Show: mini OSS Insight — By @Miniant256

Thanks to the community members for their wonderful sharing. Community points have been updated to everyone’s accounts. Additionally, those who attended in person, please leave your ID in the comments below to receive participation points~

On-site Highlights:

| username: 阿福Chris | Original post link

I have read it. The IT atmosphere in Wuhan is really good. Thumbs up~👍

| username: 边城元元 | Original post link

Awesome, awesome, awesome! :+1:

| username: TiDBer_wTKU9jv6 | Original post link


| username: seiang | Original post link

Keep learning

| username: lxs_data | Original post link


| username: 半瓶醋仙 | Original post link

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