Explain the function of clustered indexes

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Original topic: 帮忙解释一下聚簇索引的作用

| username: tidb狂热爱好者

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I want to ask, after creating a clustered index, will all queries involving ‘b’ be very fast?
Inserting data will reduce one network write for index data.
Equality condition queries involving only the primary key will reduce one network read.
Range condition queries involving only the primary key will reduce multiple network reads.
Equality or range condition queries involving only the prefix of the primary key will reduce multiple network reads.

CREATE TABLE t (a BIGINT, b VARCHAR(255), c VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(a, b, c) CLUSTERED); Can I also put multiple VARCHAR fields in it?

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| username: 长安是只喵 | Original post link

Yes, anything involving B will be very fast, but the premise is that it must match this clustered index.

| username: ealam_小羽 | Original post link

TiDB clustered indexes and non-clustered indexes are similar to MySQL, both in terms of querying data, whether directly index-to-data or index-to-primary key-to-data.

Documentation: 聚簇索引 | PingCAP 文档中心

They are not without drawbacks either.

Personally, I believe that from a business and maintenance perspective, it is best to distinguish between data primary keys and business primary keys. If you use the business primary key as the data primary key, it is easy to encounter table design flaws. Modifying the primary key can impact users, and switching can be troublesome from a business standpoint.

| username: cs58_dba | Original post link

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