Failed the PCTA V5 exam on the first attempt, subsequent registration indicates that you cannot register for the same batch again

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Original topic: PCTA V5第一次没过,后续轮报名提示同批次不能再报

| username: TiDBer_j7VJT7xz

What operation is needed to take the second test in this situation? Or should we just wait for V6 directly?

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

Check if there are any exams that you haven’t taken yet?

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

I remember there is a restriction that you can only register once a month to prevent frequent attempts at the questions.

| username: Soline324 | Original post link

Hi, classmate, you still have one limited-time free opportunity for PCTA_v6 this quarter. You can consider directly signing up for v6. Detailed exam strategy and guide are as follows:

| username: 天蓝色的小九 | Original post link

You can sign up for next month.