June 21, 2024, 8:14am
Failed to create upstream datasource MySQL 5.6, the error says “no mysql source is being handled in the worker”; we have granted the privileges for dm user, and dm user can access the upstream MySQL 5.6 correctly。
my source configuration file :
TiDM version 7.5.1, cluster topo like below:
Wat does query-status give you?
June 22, 2024, 12:37am
I have already run a migration task from another upstream MySQL, it’s runing status is OK。
June 22, 2024, 6:01am
the worker logs display as this:
[2024/06/20 18:45:47.607 +08:00] [INFO] [join.go:92] ["start to keepalive with master"]
[2024/06/20 18:45:47.613 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:254] ["listening gRPC API and status request"] [address=]
[2024/06/20 18:51:27.548 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:594] ["receive source bound"] [bound="{\"source\":\"js-mysql-169\",\"worker\":\"dm-\"}"] ["is deleted"=false]
[2024/06/20 18:51:27.550 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:874] ["will start a new worker"] [sourceID=js-mysql-169]
[2024/06/20 18:51:27.550 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:787] [request=QueryStatus] [payload=]
[2024/06/20 18:51:27.550 +08:00] [INFO] [source_worker.go:134] [initialized] [component="worker controller"] [cfg="{\"enable\":true,\"enable-gtid\":false,\"auto-fix-gtid\":false,\"relay-dir\":\"relay-dir\",\"meta-dir\":\"\",\"flavor\":\"mysql\",\"charset\":\"\",\"enable-relay\":false,\"relay-binlog-name\":\"\",\"relay-binlog-gtid\":\"\",\"source-id\":\"js-mysql-169\",\"from\":{\"host\":\"\",\"port\":3160,\"user\":\"dm\",\"max-allowed-packet\":null,\"session\":null,\"security\":null},\"purge\":{\"interval\":3600,\"expires\":0,\"remain-space\":15},\"checker\":{\"check-enable\":true,\"backoff-rollback\":{\"Duration\":\"5m0s\"},\"backoff-max\":{\"Duration\":\"5m0s\"}},\"server-id\":429541460,\"case-sensitive\":false,\"filters\":null}"]
[2024/06/20 18:51:32.564 +08:00] [ERROR] [server.go:599] ["fail to operate sourceBound on worker"] [bound="{\"source\":\"js-mysql-169\",\"worker\":\"dm-\"}"] ["is deleted"=false] [error="[code=40070:class=dm-worker:scope=internal:level=high], Message: no mysql source is being handled in the worker"]
[2024/06/20 18:51:32.564 +08:00] [WARN] [source_worker.go:656] ["querying status from a closed worker"] [component="worker controller"]
[2024/06/20 18:51:37.563 +08:00] [INFO] [source_worker.go:155] ["start running"] [component="worker controller"]
[2024/06/20 18:52:19.192 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:787] [request=QueryStatus] [payload=]
[2024/06/20 18:52:37.564 +08:00] [INFO] [source_worker.go:180] ["we just updated the source status, skip once"] [component="worker controller"] ["last update time"=2024/06/20 18:52:27.633 +08:00]
June 22, 2024, 10:59am
After adding aditional log to track this issue, and we also dump the networking tracing, we found that dm-worker node try to connect the upstream MySQL server, which take more than 10seconds.
So we just optimized the connection between dm-worker and the MySQL, the promeble is been resolved.
Thanks, for all your concern.