For DM synchronization configuration of the downstream database, there are 5 TiDB servers. Is it okay to choose any one of them?

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Original topic: dm同步配置下游数据库, tidb server是有5台,选择任意一台都是可以的吧?

| username: 超7成网友

As per the topic:
We have 5 TiDB servers in our cluster. How should we generally configure the downstream database connection in DM?

  1. Choose the IP and port exposed by load balancing
  2. Choose any one server
  3. Choose a fixed server

Today I found that we configured it to choose a fixed server, and today there was a network instability issue.

| username: db_user | Original post link

Both are fine. I chose load balancing here to avoid single point of failure issues.

| username: 超7成网友 | Original post link

Can DM directly switch the downstream database connection, for example, change the downstream connection of a running task to another server?

| username: db_user | Original post link

Stop the task, modify the configuration, and then start the task. It’s best to test it during the actual operation.

| username: Hacker007 | Original post link

Sure, you can choose different tasks and select different services.

| username: system | Original post link

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