Has Red Hat planned any adaptations for domestic chips and servers following the cessation of CentOS maintenance?

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Original topic: 红帽公司对Centos 停止维护,官方对此有没有对国产芯片及服务器适配的打算了

| username: robert233

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production Environment
【TiDB Version】None
【Encountered Problem】Red Hat has stopped maintaining CentOS. Does the official team have any plans to adapt to domestic chips and servers, or other server adaptations?
【Reproduction Path】None
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】None

| username: Mark | Original post link

CentOS until 2024
Ubuntu Kylin?
Is it a bit early for domestic chips?

| username: hey-hoho | Original post link

According to what I know from some sources, Phytium, Kunpeng, Hygon, Sugon, UnionTech, Tongxin, Boland, Kylin, Inspur, and Great Wall all support it.

PS: The above conclusion does not represent an official response. :rofl:

| username: HACK | Original post link

It will take some time to achieve full domestic adaptation.

| username: Hacker007 | Original post link

It might already be in progress, and one day they might just announce that it is supported.

| username: robert233 | Original post link

Debian 9 has been running online for a long time without any issues.

| username: robert233 | Original post link

This is promising. I heard that the official support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0, CentOS 8 Stream, and Oracle Enterprise Linux 8.0 will follow.

| username: system | Original post link

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