Hint: Source is added but there is no free worker to bind

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Original topic: 提示:source is added but there is no free worker to bound

| username: TiDBer_xzeqSVEp

[Encountered Issue]
When loading the data source, it prompts: source is added but there is no free worker to bound.
Then, when testing if it can start, it prompts: “msg”: “pre-check is passed.”
When actually starting, it prompts that the data source already exists: Message: source config with ID mysql-tidb already exists.
Then I changed the configuration name in the configuration file, but the same error occurred.
Checking the DM status, I found that all three workers are in N/A status. Restarting still results in the same issue. Since I uninstalled version 4.0.0 and reinstalled TiDB version 5.4.2, with DM version 6.1.0, I really don’t know how to solve this. Seeking guidance from experts.

| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

How many MySQL databases are upstream?

| username: TiDBer_xzeqSVEp | Original post link

Configured a MySQL database in the configuration file.

| username: TiDBer_xzeqSVEp | Original post link

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| username: TiDBer_xzeqSVEp | Original post link

The issue has been resolved. If the dm-worker is in the N/A state, restart the DM cluster, and it will change to the bound state. Then stop the previously created data source.

| username: system | Original post link

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