How to avoid full data extraction after RDS master-slave switch on TiDB DM when binlog and position cannot be recognized? Is it possible to specify a new binlog filename and position for incremental synchronization?

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Original topic: TiDB DM上有RDS发生主从切换后binlog和位点无法识别,如何避免不重新全量抽取? 是否可以指定新的binlog文件名和position来增量同步?

| username: TiDBer_mvrpvfaN

After a master-slave switch occurs on RDS in TiDB DM, the binlog and position cannot be recognized. How can we avoid re-extracting the full data? Is it possible to specify a new binlog filename and position for incremental synchronization?

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

Switch the connection between DM-worker and upstream MySQL instance

| username: TiDBer_mvrpvfaN | Original post link

It’s not that. It’s about how to change the binlog and position information after switching, so that it continues incremental synchronization. :grinning:

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

To stop the task, modify the configuration in the task file to enable safe-mode. The synchronization point should start from the sync checkpoint in the downstream dm_meta. Once the downstream synchronization surpasses the point when the upstream switched, turn off the safe mode.

Reference: Migration task is currently in the Sync phase Data Migration 常见问题 | PingCAP 文档中心

| username: TiDBer_mvrpvfaN | Original post link

Okay, I will test and verify it, thank you.

| username: Hacker007 | Original post link

How do you shut it down? Do you stop the task first and then restart it?

| username: system | Original post link

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