How to Determine if a Region is in Majority Failure When Multiple TiKV Machines Fail in a TiDB Cluster

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Original topic: TiDB集群中如果出现多个TIKV机器故障,怎么判断region是否多数派故障

| username: TiDBer_yyy

If multiple TiKV machines fail in a TiDB cluster, how do you determine if the region has a majority failure?

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

For example, when [store1, store30, store31] are down and unavailable, we can find all Regions where the number of Down replicas is greater than the number of normal replicas by using the following command:

>> region --jq=".regions[] | {id: .id, peer_stores: [.peers[].store_id] | select(length as $total | map(if .==(1,30,31) then . else empty end) | length>=$total-length) }"
| username: system | Original post link

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