How to Modify Parameters When DM Pauses Tasks Due to Errors

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Original topic: DM在出错暂停任务怎么修改参数

| username: TiDBer_hwEZA4rV

Encountered the following error during synchronization:

"subTaskStatus": [
        "name": "test",
        "stage": "Paused",
        "unit": "Sync",
        "result": {
            "isCanceled": false,
            "errors": [
                    "ErrCode": 10006,
                    "ErrClass": "database",
                    "ErrScope": "not-set",
                    "ErrLevel": "high",
                    "Message": "startLocation: [position: (mysql-bin.074231, 450418411), gtid-set: ], endLocation: [position: (mysql-bin.074231, 450418501), gtid-set: ]: execute statement failed: INSERT INTO `xxx`.``xxx` (``xxx`,``xxx`,``xxx`,`created_by`,`gmt_create`,`gmt_modify`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                    "RawCause": "Error 1062: Duplicate entry '`xxx-41526' for key 'uk_user_role'",
                    "Workaround": ""

I want to resolve the conflict by modifying the syncs’ safe-mode in the task, allowing for some performance loss, but I couldn’t find a way to modify the task configuration parameters or even delete the task…

| username: db_user | Original post link

Follow these steps:

  1. stop-task
  2. Modify the configuration file (the one you used to start previously)
  3. start-task. tiup dmctl --master-addr master_ip:8261 start-task ./task.yaml
| username: Hacker007 | Original post link

Can you modify the parameters like this now?

| username: db_user | Original post link

It’s always been possible, you can give it a try.

| username: system | Original post link

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