This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: TiDB 中如何查询一张表在操作系统里的空间占用?
username: OnTheRoad
[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment
[TiDB Version] v6.1.2
A project requires deploying a TiDB cluster to migrate 30TB of existing data from ES to TiDB. We need to estimate the number of component nodes.
Assuming TiDB uses 3 replicas and a single TiKV does not exceed 2TB, 90TB of data would require 45 TiKV nodes. However, TiKV compresses data during storage.
What is the approximate compression ratio?
How can we determine the space occupied by a data table in TiKV?
The business scenario is OLAP. From a storage perspective alone, how many TiKV nodes are recommended for deployment?