How to restore TiDB to a specific point in time?

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Original topic: tidb怎么按时间点恢复?

| username: otjoy

The official documentation of BR provides examples of restoring a single table, but it doesn’t explain how to use binlog logs for point-in-time recovery. If I backed up the data the previous day, wouldn’t I lose a day’s worth of data during recovery? I want to know if there are any tools to consume TiDB’s binlog, or does TiDB not use binlog for recovery?

| username: weixiaobing | Original post link

You can refer to this Reparo 使用文档 | PingCAP 文档中心 for incremental recovery of binlog.

| username: Gin | Original post link

Full backup and full restore: BR or Dumpling
Incremental backup: Drainer’s file mode output (tidb-binlog)
Incremental restore: Reparo
The timestamp for connecting full and incremental backups is recorded in the meta file in the backup directory of BR and Dumpling.

| username: otjoy | Original post link

Is this the only way? Then I still need to install dumpling and drainer for this. According to the official recommendation, dumpling requires 3 nodes and drainer requires one node, which is still a bit resource-intensive!

| username: Gin | Original post link

Dumpling is a logical backup tool similar to mydumper. Are you saying that pump requires 3 nodes? Currently, that’s the case. In future versions, once BR implements the incremental file backup feature, the entire PITR functionality will be covered by BR alone.

| username: otjoy | Original post link

I would like to ask further, my current goal is to generate binlog like MySQL for recovery purposes. But it seems that TiDB requires installing pump (to collect data) and drainer (to parse data). Both pump and drainer will record a binlog, and then reparo uses the data parsed by drainer for recovery, so I can’t just install pump. Drainer also needs to specify the downstream dest_type, but I don’t need to specify it, so I don’t need drainer either. How can this be resolved?

| username: otjoy | Original post link

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

You can refer to this Reparo 使用文档 | PingCAP 文档中心 for incremental recovery of binlog.

You can extend the GC time and enable the flashback feature. There is an official tutorial. Recovering data is very simple and doesn’t require any tools.

| username: Gin | Original post link

Currently, incremental file backup uses drainer’s file output mode, which is db-type = file.

| username: otjoy | Original post link

I’m worried that the entire cluster might go down and commands won’t be executable.

| username: otjoy | Original post link

Binlog is the last resort.

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

Your concern is unnecessary. In a distributed system, there is no situation where a single point of failure occurs. Secondly, if there is a sudden power outage and all your machines go down, there won’t be any issues. Of course, the UPS in the data center needs to be installed.

| username: otjoy | Original post link

In theory, you are right, but I always feel more secure using binlog. What if the flashback method gets GC’d, or it takes a long time to realize a table is missing? May I ask if your production environment uses flashback + BR (or Dumpling) method? Have you not enabled binlog?

| username: otjoy | Original post link

In our business, there are many update scenarios. At the initial stage of the project launch, I set tidb_gc_life_time to 48 hours, not daring to set it for too long.

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

There will be many problems in 48 hours. I only dare to set it to 10 minutes.

| username: HACK | Original post link

It seems that point-in-time recovery is not supported yet.

| username: otjoy | Original post link

What are the industry-standard backup methods for TiDB? Can anyone provide some guidance? Do we really not need to enable binlog? We should enable it, right?

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

Don’t worry about TiDB crashing, it’s impossible.

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

TiDB can be overwhelmed but it never has issues.

| username: system | Original post link

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