In the TIFLASH_TABLES table, the TIDB_TABLE field contains many t_XXX format entries instead of specific table names. The id cannot be used to query the specific table from the tables table. Is this related to partitioning, and how can we determine which

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Original topic: TIFLASH_TABLES表中 TIDB_TABLE 字段存在大量 t_XXX 格式的数据,而不是具体表名,通过 id 无法从 tables 表中查询到具体的表,请问是否和 partition 有关,如何确定是哪个表的数据?

| username: TiDBer_9Srg7cSk

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production Environment
【TiDB Version】
【Reproduction Path】select TIDB_DATABASE, TIDB_TABLE, sum(TOTAL_ROWS) as _rows, sum(TOTAL_SIZE) as size, sum(SEGMENT_COUNT) as segs, sum(TOTAL_DELTA_ROWS) deltas from TIFLASH_TABLES where TOTAL_ROWS > 0 group by TIDB_DATABASE, TIDB_TABLE;
【Encountered Problem: Problem Phenomenon and Impact】The TIDB_TABLE field in the TIFLASH_TABLES table contains a large amount of data in the t_XXX format, rather than specific table names. It is not possible to query specific tables from the tables table through the id. Is this related to partitions, and how can we determine which table’s data it is?

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

It does seem to be the TiFlash information of a partitioned table. There might be an issue with the TIDB_TABLE field. Normally, it should contain the table name on the PD side, but it actually contains the metadata table name of TiFlash…

| username: TiDBer_9Srg7cSk | Original post link

Is there a way to determine which table and which partition it is?

| username: 有猫万事足 | Original post link

select * from PARTITIONS where TIDB_PARTITION_ID={the number after t} limit 10;

| username: system | Original post link

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