Is BR currently the best tool for backing up clusters and data in TiDB 4.0? Does BR require each node to mount a directory, and can OBS be used for mounting?

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Original topic: tidb 4.0目前备份集群及数据最好工具是通过BR?BR需要目录的是每个节点都需要挂载用OBS挂载可以吧

| username: Hacker_yCzXIRCO

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production Environment / Testing / PoC
【TiDB Version】tidb 4.0
【Attachment: Screenshot / Log / Monitoring】

| username: hey-hoho | Original post link

The quality of a tool should be judged based on actual needs, just choose the appropriate one. Both dumpling and br can be used in version 4.0; dumpling is used for logical backups, and br is used for physical backups. You can check the official documentation for their differences.

What exactly is OBS, some cloud platform’s S3 object storage?

| username: system | Original post link

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