Is TiCDC considering adding a new target endpoint?

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Original topic: TiCDC考虑新增目标端吗?

| username: mxd-321

Currently, TiCDC only supports the following targets.

Is there any consideration to add new targets? Instead of using intermediaries like Kafka or Pulsar, directly send to downstream applications. The downstream program establishes a connection with TiCDC through an interface.

| username: ZhaoYilin-PingCAP | Original post link

Hello, what does the “interface” refer to in “the program establishes a connection with TiCDC through the interface”? Is it something similar to a WebHook?

| username: mxd-321 | Original post link

Hello, yes, what I have in mind is a long connection or stream connection, where the downstream continuously receives data sent by TiCDC. It feels like if the traffic is large, it will overwhelm the downstream. :persevere:

| username: system | Original post link

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