Issue with DM Full Data Synchronization Not Inheriting Source Character Set

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Original topic: dm全量同步无法继承source字符集问题

| username: Hacker007

To solve the case insensitivity issue, we have now set up a new cluster and initialized it with case insensitivity support. However, when configuring the DM task and adding the collation_compatible: strict parameter, we found that newly created databases and tables can inherit MySQL’s character set and collation rules, but existing databases and tables do not inherit MySQL’s character set and still use the default character set after synchronization. How can this be resolved?

| username: Hacker007 | Original post link

Or is there any command or statement to globally modify the character set of the database, table, or field?

| username: Tank001 | Original post link

Is the version too low? Have you upgraded it?

| username: Z六月星星 | Original post link

Resynchronize the old table once, or modify the character set of the database and table. The global setting only sets the default, and it seems that there is no unified modification.

| username: system | Original post link

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