Issues Regarding Hash Partitioning

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Original topic: 关于hash分区的问题

| username: codingBoyYe

I’m reading articles related to partitioning and have some confusion. The official documentation says that Hash partitioning can be used to scatter data in scenarios with a large number of writes. What is the significance of this scattering? Will it improve write speed? Or are there any intuitive benefits?
Also, if using partitioned tables, will it improve data read performance?

| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

The purpose of scattering is to distribute read and write requests across different partitions, reducing the likelihood of hotspot Regions and improving read and write performance. For example, if the customer ID in a table is generated using a timestamp plus a sequence number, using Hash partitioning based on the customer ID can evenly distribute different customers’ data across different partitions, thereby dispersing subsequent read and write operations for different customers’ data. If RANGE partitioning is used, customer IDs generated within a certain period might be concentrated in the same partition or even the same Region, leading to hotspot data. You can refer to the example in the following link:

| username: codingBoyYe | Original post link

Thank you, master.

| username: system | Original post link

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