This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: pd给tikv store的相关问题
username: Raymond
Dear teachers, I have a few questions regarding the documentation on scoring TiKV stores according to the official website.
Since the storage capacity of different nodes may vary, the calculation of the balance-region score will be divided into the following three situations:
- When there is ample space, the score is calculated based on the amount of data (to balance the data volume across different nodes) —> Is the threshold for ample space determined by the parameter high-space-ratio?
- When space is insufficient, the score is calculated based on the remaining space (to balance the remaining space across different nodes)
Is the threshold for insufficient space determined by the parameter low-space-ratio?
- When in an intermediate state, both factors are considered and weighted to calculate the score.
Additionally, does the data volume used to calculate the score refer to the actual space occupied by the TiKV store as seen from the operating system?