Issues with High Dependency Package Versions in TiDB-Dashboard for Version 6.5.0

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 关于 6.5.0 版本中 TiDB-Dashboard 依赖包版本太高的问题

| username: Billmay表妹

Source of the issue:

Regarding the issue of TiDB-Dashboard dependency package version being too high in version 6.5.0, you can refer to the following guidelines:

TiDB Dashboard has become an independent component starting from v6.5.0. The TiDB Operator v1.4.0 on K8S already supports using the TiDBDashboard CRD. TiUP standalone deployment of TiDB Dashboard is expected to be supported in v6.6.0.

The issue mentioned by the original poster is due to the use of a different base image builder from PD, TiDB, and other core components during our CD process, resulting in the glibc version being incompatible with the kernel’s minimum required version.

We are currently addressing this and will replace the TiDB Dashboard image for v6.5.0 as soon as possible. You can also use the Dashboard built into PD (this Dashboard will be retained for some time and will not be removed from PD in the short term).

Those with the capability can also compile the dashboard image themselves, referring to and dockerfile.

Further Reading:

| username: 数据小黑 | Original post link

Learned and bookmarked!

| username: 裤衩儿飞上天 | Original post link

Please provide the Chinese content that you need translated into English.

| username: SabaPing | Original post link

Hi everyone,

The repaired v6.5.0 TiDB Dashboard image is expected to be released this week. It will directly replace the images under the following two tags:

  • pingcap/tidb-dashboard:latest
  • pingcap/tidb-dashboard:v6.5.0
| username: tomxu | Original post link


| username: 数据小黑 | Original post link

Just wanted to say, it’s Friday, hahaha.

| username: SabaPing | Original post link

Due to various reasons, the official image cannot be released to DockerHub today.

However, the fixed Dockerfile has been published to the TiDB Dashboard GitHub repo: tidb-dashboard/dockerfiles/centos7.Dockerfile at v6.5.0 · pingcap/tidb-dashboard · GitHub. You can clone the repo on any machine that supports Docker buildx, switch to the v6.5.0 commit, and execute in the repo root:

REPOSITORY=sabaping/tidb-dashboard DOCKERFILE=./dockerfiles/centos7.Dockerfile docker-build-image-locally-amd64 or

REPOSITORY=sabaping/tidb-dashboard DOCKERFILE=./dockerfiles/centos7.Dockerfile docker-build-image-locally-arm64

to compile the image. (REPOSITORY=sabaping/tidb-dashboard can be replaced with your own image repository)

Additionally, I have personally compiled an image based on this v6.5.0 centos7.Dockerfile, which can be used directly in the test environment:

| username: 裤衩儿飞上天 | Original post link

Awesome, great job! :+1:

| username: 数据小黑 | Original post link

Finally, I see this beautiful page.