It is recommended to add a comment when executing TTLSQL in TiDB

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Original topic: TiDB 执行TTLSQL 建议加个注释

| username: 田帅萌7

Requirement Feedback
Please clearly and accurately describe the problem scenario, desired behavior, and background information to help the product team follow up on the requirement in a timely manner.
[Problem Scenario Involved in the Requirement]
Executing the TTL SQL will result in

SELECT LOW_PRIORITY auto_id FROM xx WHERE auto_id > 6629298651794729180 AND auto_id < 6917529027641869699 AND create_time < FROM_UNIXTIME(1624752003) ORDER BY auto_id ASC LIMIT 200;

Can we add a comment, for example,
/* ttl sql */
SELECT LOW_PRIORITY auto_id FROM xx WHERE auto_id > 6629298651794729180 AND auto_id < 6917529027641869699 AND create_time < FROM_UNIXTIME(1624752003) ORDER BY auto_id ASC LIMIT 200;

[Expected Behavior of the Requirement]
Distinguish whether it is a TTL SQL

[Alternative Solutions for the Requirement]

[Background Information]
Such as which users will benefit from it, and some usage scenarios. Any API design, model, or diagram will be more helpful.

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

This is already in the optimization plan~

It’s already on the roadmap.