This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: java实现tidbcdc 同步到下游kafka 代码实现demo吗
Is there a demo code for implementing TiDB CDC synchronization to downstream Kafka in Java?
This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: java实现tidbcdc 同步到下游kafka 代码实现demo吗
Is there a demo code for implementing TiDB CDC synchronization to downstream Kafka in Java?
Here are some practical articles you can check out:
TiCDC Practice: TiDB Cluster Merge
Application of New Features of TiCDC in Various Scenarios
Master-Slave Cluster Data Verification Based on TiCDC Synchronization
TiCDC Migration - TiDB to MySQL Test
Handling TiCDC Synchronization Delay Issues
TiCDC Architecture and Data Synchronization Link Analysis
First Experience with TiDB’s TiCDC 6.0
Principles of TiCDC 6.0: Evolution of Sorter
Practical Application of TiCDC canal_json
TiCDC Series Sharing: Open API and Business System Integration
TiCDC Series Sharing-02: Analysis of Synchronization Model and Basic Architecture
TiCDC Series Sharing-01: Brief Introduction to Background and Usage Overview
Experience TiDB v6.0.0’s TiCDC
Application of TiDB Online DDL in TiCDC
Analysis of TiCDC Application Scenarios
Practice of Dual-Cloud Architecture Based on TiCDC
Practice of Using TiCDC to Synchronize TiDB Data to Backup Escape Environment in Real-Time
TiCDC Implementation of TiDB Backup Solution
Flink Best Practices: Streaming TiDB Data into Flink via TiCDC
TiCDC Practice of Data Synchronization Between TiDB Instances
Here’s this one too: 专栏 - TiDB 同步数据到 Kafka 最佳实践 | TiDB 社区
Sure, thank you. Do you have specific code? I’m not quite sure how to configure TiDB CDC in Java.
I don’t understand what java tidbcdc is. It’s not the same project as TiCDC, right? Is there a repo address?
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