Performance Analysis of TiDB Cluster (Production Environment Cluster is Very Slow)

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Original topic: TiDB集群性能分析(生产环境集群性能很慢)

| username: ablewang_xiaobo

【TiDB Usage Environment】
Production Environment
【TiDB Version】
【Encountered Problem】
Users reported that the overall TiDB cluster is very slow, and they mentioned that no significant operations were performed.

【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】
Currently, the performance in the production environment is very slow.

Monitoring Information
Node_exporter-1656641035721.json (231.0 KB) TiDB-1656641009204.json (333.3 KB) TiKV-Details-1656641027903.json (1.4 MB)

Cluster Diagnostic Information
Dashboard Diagnosis Report.pdf (2.6 MB)

| username: xuexiaogang | Original post link

Sometimes it’s not necessarily a single large issue. A bunch of small slowdowns can also accumulate into a load.

| username: ablewang_xiaobo | Original post link

I agree, in most cases it’s caused by a few major factors. In my case, it might be due to running reports on it. It got better in the afternoon after turning off the reporting service. Moving forward, I need to use the process of elimination to see if it’s indeed caused by the reporting service.

| username: system | Original post link

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