Please recommend a contact for purchasing a PCTP exam voucher

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Original topic: 请推荐一个PCTP考试券购买联系方式

| username: TiDBer_iLonNMYE

Does anyone have contact information for purchasing PCTP exam vouchers? Can you recommend one? Thanks.

| username: cheng | Original post link

There is currently no way to purchase it. If you miss the free opportunity, you will need to accumulate points to exchange for it. It takes 4000 points for one exchange.

| username: TiDBer_iLonNMYE | Original post link

Is it possible to accumulate 4000 points in a year? Do you have any partners?

| username: Soline324 | Original post link

Refer to the post above :point_up_2:

| username: TiDBer_iLonNMYE | Original post link

Okay, thank you.