Pump Component Restart - 'Moderator - Urgent'

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: pump组件重启-‘版主大大-加急’

| username: 普罗米修斯

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment
[TiDB Version] 3.0.3
[Encountered Issues]

  1. How to restart pump to make the modified gc time in the pump configuration file take effect in TiDB 3.0 version?
    Is it done by using ansible-playbook stop.yml -l pump1
    ansible-playbook start.yml -l pump1
    like this?
  2. Because of concerns that issues with binlog logging might stop the TiDB cluster, I want to add the binlog.ignore-error: true parameter. Should this parameter be added to the inventory.ini configuration file?
    After adding it, should I use ansible-playbook rolling_update.yml -t tidb -i inventory.ini to make the configuration take effect?
| username: 普罗米修斯 | Original post link

The main goal is to clear the vlog data under pump, which can only be done by changing the pump GC time to let the system automatically clear it. So, I want to ask how to make the change in GC time take effect.

| username: 普罗米修斯 | Original post link

Is there a moderator who can respond?

| username: yilong | Original post link

  1. Modifying parameters may lead to binlog loss. Refer to the documentation:
    TiDB Binlog 常见问题 | PingCAP 归档文档站
  2. It is recommended to consider using TiUP for import. Additionally, it is advisable to upgrade from version 3.0 sooner.
  3. You can refer to the commands at 专栏 - TiDB大规模节点下线实践 | TiDB 社区
| username: 普罗米修斯 | Original post link

Because of concerns that issues with writing binlog logs might cause the TiDB cluster to stop, we have already disabled binlog logging and taken the pump component offline. We will reconfigure these parameters when we need to use them in the future.

| username: system | Original post link

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