[Regional Exchange Event Review & Data Download] Check out what friends in Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Jinan, and Wuhan are talking about~

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Original topic: 【地区交流活动回顾 & 资料下载】来看看天津、石家庄、济南、武汉的小伙伴在聊啥~

| username: YY-ha

Half of 2022 has already passed, and the intermittent pandemic has caused many offline activities to be “postponed/canceled” due to “plans not keeping up with changes.” With the mindset that “there are more solutions than difficulties,” we launched the “Regional Organizer” recruitment plan at the end of April. Fortunately, we received a lot of support from community members right from the start, providing the nurturing soil and development space for “TiDB Regional Gatherings” from 0 to 1.

During these uncertain times brought by the pandemic, with the strength of TiDB community users, we managed to hold 3 regional technical exchange events! These events left TiDB community footprints in Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, and Jinan.

We would like to thank the regional organizers! @eastfisher (Tianjin Regional Organizer) @边城元元 (Shijiazhuang Regional Organizer) @阿福Chris, @数据小黑 (Jinan Regional Organizers), thank you for your continuous support! We also thank all the participants who joined the topic exchanges and those who braved the hot weather to attend and learn about TiDB with their passion for open source. We hope more friends will join us in the future.

Below are the download links for materials from each region. Interested friends are welcome to download and learn.

Tianjin Station

In the Tianjin regional exchange event, three teachers from the TiDB community, Databend community, and Great Wall Motor Finance shared super hardcore development/source code design topics, including MySQL and TiCDC principle comparison, MySQL MGR + self-developed script for high availability switching, and an introduction to the Databend storage layer.

  • MySQL and TiCDC Principle Comparison —— eastfisher
  • MySQL MGR + Self-developed Script for High Availability Switching —— Li Xiaofeng
  • Databend: The Storage Layer —— xuanwo

Tianjin Station Material Download Link: 【活动回顾 & 资料下载】地区技术交流首站落地天津~ - TiDB 的问答社区

Shijiazhuang Station

In the Shijiazhuang regional exchange event, tech enthusiasts from Zhongke Hengyun, Hebei Electric Power, Yilian Cloud Computing, and Hebei Hongtu shared their respective technology stacks. They discussed topics such as TiKV + TiFlash accelerating complex business queries, building a data warehouse for supply chain, warehousing, and retail business based on TiDB, selecting an IOT business database from MySQL to MySQL + Cassandra + Clickhouse, and graph database processing practices based on billions of data.

  • TiKV + TiFlash Accelerating Complex Business Queries
  • Building a Data Warehouse for Supply Chain, Warehousing, and Retail Business Based on TiDB
  • Selecting an IOT Business Database from MySQL to MySQL + Cassandra + Clickhouse
  • Graph Database Processing Practices Based on Billions of Data
    (Interested friends can click “Read Original” to enter the community post and download the materials)

Shijiazhuang Station Material Download Link: 【活动回顾 & 资料下载】石家庄地区 Meetup,TiKV+TiFlash实践,IOT 业务库选型,基于TiDB的零售业务数仓建设 - TiDB 的问答社区

Jinan Station

The regional exchange event in Jinan, organized by @阿福Chris and @数据小黑, was held in a small teahouse. Participants from Inspur, Gome, Zhongtai Securities, Hangao Software, and Wanfang Data, among others, discussed topics such as multi-tenancy, Raft protocol, and multi-center deployment for disaster recovery.

Jinan Station Material Download Link: 【资料下载】TiDB 地区交流济南站 | TiSpark 实践、Greenplum 选型、运维视角下的 Linux 避坑指南... - TiDB 的问答社区

Wuhan Station

The Wuhan regional exchange event, organized by @hey-hoho and @xfworld, concluded successfully last week. Moderators and participants discussed how to conduct a TiDB POC and related development issues and prospects. An engineer from the original factory also presented a live demo of OSS Insight.

Wuhan Station Material Download Link: 【活动回顾 & 资料下载】武汉地区Meetup,看版主们分享 TiDB POC 测试,TiDB 开发操作的想法,以及 OSS Insight Demo Show - TiDB 的问答社区

How to Become an Organizer?

The original intention of regional technical exchange activities is to provide a platform for more regional friends to share, communicate, and help each other. We welcome more regional friends to join the ranks of TiDB regional organizers!
For more organizer benefits and event preparation materials, please see: 【地区组织者推荐】说说你身边有没有特别符合 TiDB 社区活动气质的小伙伴!(推荐成功有奖) - TiDB 的问答社区

Preview | Mid to Late August - Guangzhou Station

| username: Kongdom | Original post link
