[Registration Deadline: June 9] TiDB Talent Plan Introductory Open Class is Here! Join the OpenAtom School's "Employment Skills Training Series" and Experience the Beauty of Open Source!

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Original topic: 【6 月 9 日截止报名】TiDB Talent Plan 导学公开课来啦!加入开放原子校源行“就业技能培训系列专题课”,体会开源之美!

| username: TiDB社区小助手

Talent Plan is a project created by PingCAP, focusing on open-source database education, aiming to cultivate the next generation of database technology talents! By combining theory and practice, Talent Plan not only imparts cutting-edge database knowledge but also encourages students to deeply participate in real engineering projects, learning, discussing, and growing together with technology enthusiasts from all over the country and even the world! :muscle:

What you can gain from Talent Plan:

  • Practical experience: Students will have the opportunity to directly participate in open-source projects such as TiDB and gain valuable practical experience.

  • Community interaction: With strong community support from PingCAP, students can deeply communicate with industry experts and other students.

  • Career development: Students who complete the Talent Plan will have the skills and knowledge needed for further development in the database field.

  • Theory combined with practice: The course is set from shallow to deep, helping students combine academic theory with industrial practice, comprehensively improving professional capabilities.

The upcoming series of introductory courses is part of the “Employment Skills Training Series Special Course” in the open-source database direction of the Open Atom School Source Line, taught by PingCAP’s senior lecturer, Mr. Dong Fei. He will lead everyone to deeply explore the core technologies of distributed databases and lay a solid foundation for in-depth learning of the Talent Plan.

:orange_heart: Course-related time

  • Registration time: May 24 to June 9

  • Opening class meeting: May 31

  • Course training: May 27 to June 23

  • Course exam: June 23 to June 28

  • Certificate issuance: July 3

:raised_hands: Course gains

Through this course, you will be able to:

  • Deepen your understanding of distributed databases

  • Master the core architecture and principles of TiDB

  • Learn how to participate in open-source projects on GitHub

  • Be fully prepared to participate in the Talent Plan project

Course setup

Registration instructions

This course is an open course, as long as you:

  • Love open-source technology and are willing to improve your professional skills and expand your industry vision.

  • Have a certain computer foundation and hope to engage in employment positions in operating systems, databases, artificial intelligence, etc.

Whether you are a college student or have graduated and are working, you can sign up to participate (only current students can obtain the completion certificate, social individuals need to select “Other” in the “Your grade” option when registering).

In addition, for college students:

  • For cooperative colleges of the School Source Line: It is recommended that the Open Atom Open Source Community organize community members to collectively sign up for this activity; For non-cooperative colleges of the School Source Line: It is recommended that the Youth League Committee, Admissions and Employment Office, Student Affairs Office, or related technical communities organize students from their school to participate.

  • After the course ends, students can take the corresponding course completion exam on the Open Atom Open Source Foundation’s learning and examination platform. Students who successfully complete the course and pass the completion test will receive a completion certificate. In addition, outstanding students will have the opportunity to receive exquisite gifts from the School Source Line.

Scan the code/enter the link to register!

Click to register on PC
Click to register on mobile

Interested TiDBers, please register as soon as possible, as spots are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis! Let’s explore the infinite possibilities in the world of open source together and pave the way for the future!

About the Open Atom School Source Line “Employment Skills Training Series Special Course”

This activity aims to provide undergraduates with exclusive learning paths for in-depth open-source technologies in operating systems, artificial intelligence, databases, etc. This series of courses, through carefully designed online teaching modules, taught by industry experts and senior developers, not only covers theoretical foundations but also emphasizes practical operations, ensuring that students can master the key skills needed in actual work. The course content is strictly selected and reviewed to ensure the cutting-edge and practicality of the technology. At the same time, each course is equipped with rich learning resources, practical projects, and interactive Q&A sessions, helping students deeply explore the ocean of open-source technology and lay a solid foundation for future employment.

| username: Miracle | Original post link

Signed up :ghost:

| username: 望海崖2084 | Original post link


| username: Jellybean | Original post link

Great event +1

| username: farmwork | Original post link

I have registered, hehe, why doesn’t social registration provide a certificate? :grinning:

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link


| username: stephanie | Original post link

Sign up now

| username: Aionn | Original post link


| username: 我爱桃花 | Original post link


| username: 我是人间不清醒 | Original post link

TiDB is awesome

| username: 魔人逗逗 | Original post link

I really want to participate, but the previous sessions were all on weekdays :sob: :sob: :sob:

| username: 濱崎悟空 | Original post link

Sign up~~

| username: TiDBer_demo7 | Original post link


| username: ziptoam | Original post link

This is pretty good. Are there any additional points?

| username: WayneChen | Original post link

The 2024 Talent Plan introductory course is available on the PingCAP online learning platform. :beers: Students who missed the live session can start learning now. https://learn.pingcap.cn/learner/course/1290004