This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: 缩容 ticdc 没有更新 Prometheus 配置
username: GreenGuan
When using tiup to remove the ticdc component, the Prometheus configuration was not updated. My steps were as follows:
- tiup cluster scale-in xxx -N xxx:8300,xxx:8300,xxx:8300,xxx:8300 (alert manager alarmed, checked Prometheus and found the configuration had not changed)
- tiup cluster scale-out xxx xxx.yaml (added a ticdc node)
- tiup cluster scale-in xxx -N xxx.yaml (I remember tiup used to have a -R parameter, but it seems the current tiup doesn’t have it. Checked Prometheus and found the configuration still hadn’t changed)
- tiup cluster scale-out xxx -N xxx.yaml (expanded a tidb node, alert manager disappeared)