Seeking advice from experts: Which components should be used to set up dual-cluster disaster recovery in different locations for TiDB version 3.0.13?

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Original topic: 请教大佬们,tidb 3.0.13版本,使用什么组件来搭建双集群异地灾备

| username: Ti青涩

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production environment
[TiDB Version] 3.0.13
[Reproduction Path] Currently only one cluster, no disaster recovery
[Encountered Problem] Want to set up a homogeneous remote disaster recovery for the existing cluster
[Resource Configuration] The current cluster is configured as a 9-node cluster, with 6 nodes dedicated to the TiKV component
[Attachment] None

After reading the official documentation, the components that can perform dual-cluster data synchronization are: DM, CDC (suitable for version 4.0.6 and above), Binlog, sync-diff-inspector
The synchronization medium for each component may be different; some synchronize binlogs, some synchronize TiKV change logs, and some directly synchronize data.

Which component would be better to use to ensure data loss is minimized as much as possible?

Thanks in advance to all the experts!

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

Upgrade it, there’s no technical solution left.

| username: Ti青涩 | Original post link

At least upgrade to version v4.0.6, right?

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

The version is too old, I haven’t used such an old version, no suggestions…

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

The current version can use TiDB Binlog for synchronization, but version 3.0 is indeed too old. It is recommended to upgrade to a newer version and use TiCDC for synchronization.

| username: Ti青涩 | Original post link


| username: system | Original post link

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