Seeking Advice on TiKV's Garbage Collection Issue

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Original topic: 求教tikv的gc问题

| username: TiDBer_nXXIyPM5

【TiDB Usage Environment】Test Environment
【TiDB Version】4.0.11
【Encountered Problem】Issue with TiKV_gc
【Reproduction Path】
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】
The issues are as follows, I would appreciate the help from everyone:

  1. According to the information on the official website, TiKV’s GC deletes old versions of data, not releasing memory. Is there a method for memory GC?
  2. The TiKV_GC_can_not_work alert on Prometheus, does this GC also delete old versions of data and not perform memory GC?
  3. In the test environment, only TiKV and PD are deployed, without other TiDB components. Can TiKV’s GC be completed with only TiKV and PD?
| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

  1. No
  2. The GC here refers to deleting old versions of data
    TiDB 集群报警规则 | PingCAP 文档中心
  3. GC is one of the background functions of the TiDB component, and it can only be triggered with the TiDB component
| username: TiDBer_nXXIyPM5 | Original post link

May I ask, if there is no tikdb, will the TiKV_GC_can_not_work alert always be in an alert state?

| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

I haven’t specifically verified this monitoring item. Based on the alert rule, it should be constantly triggered. I’ll verify it as well.

| username: TiDBer_nXXIyPM5 | Original post link

Please take some time to verify it, thank you.

| username: system | Original post link

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