This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: tiup set mirror设置离线镜像,配置错误后,无法更改指定
[Problem Encountered] Changing an already built image to local offline mode, after configuring the wrong mirror source, unable to switch to other mirrors.
[Reproduction Path]
Downloaded the v5.4.0 TiDB image package, including all DM components, from the URL: 分布式数据库 TiDB 社区版 | PingCAP.
Following the commands provided in the official documentation, extracted the package, and repackaged all DM-related components, including: dm-master, dm-worker, dmctl, grafana, prometheus.
Packaged as: tidb-dm-v5.4.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
Downloaded root.json, used the specified format to change to a local mirror.
[Problem Phenomenon and Impact] After configuration, executing any tiup related commands results in
How can I manually change the mirror direction now?
Currently, after checking the official commands, I found that the tiup component and DM component were not packaged, and the mirror needs to be a folder rather than a compressed package.