Slow Batch Insertion in TiDB

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: TIDB批量插入慢

| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0

[TiDB Usage Environment] Online
[TiDB Version] v6.1.0
[Encountered Issue]
Machine configuration: tikv 8c 32G. The main scenario involves batch insert and batch update, with 500 records per batch. Initially, the insertion speed is acceptable, around 10 seconds for 2000 records. However, after running for a while, it becomes increasingly slow, and only a direct tikv restart restores the normal speed. Observing the slow queries, the main time consumption is during the commit phase, with most of the time spent on prewrite and commit stages. The cluster load appears to be low.
[Issue Phenomenon and Impact]

| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0 | Original post link

TiKV log error

| username: wakaka | Original post link

Could you provide the complete update statement and the related table structure?

| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0 | Original post link

Additionally, after restarting TiKV, the write speed returned to normal.

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

After restarting, does it slow down again after a while? Initially, it’s fast because everything is written to the memtable, and only the WAL is persisted to disk. Later, when flushing and compacting, the disk I/O increases, which likely causes higher latency. Confirm if this is the case. If you have physical machine monitoring, check the trend of disk I/O.

| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0 | Original post link

One question is, if it’s during disk write operations, the disk I/O should be relatively high. In fact, when the write speed is slow, the overall load is not high.

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

If it’s confirmed that disk I/O hasn’t increased, then it’s not the issue I mentioned. This problem needs to be analyzed through monitoring. If you post the entire monitoring data, there should be some kind-hearted people who will take a look for you. If you post a long screenshot, I might take a look. If you export the metrics, I don’t have a Grafana environment here, and importing it once is quite troublesome, so you’ll have to wait for other kind-hearted people to help you out. :laughing:

| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0 | Original post link

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| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

Take a look at Grafana, there are fewer things on the dashboard.

| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0 | Original post link

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| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0 | Original post link

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| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0 | Original post link

| username: tracy0984 | Original post link

Is it because TiKV memory is full?

| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0 | Original post link

The monitoring doesn’t show it’s full.

| username: wuxiangdong | Original post link

  1. Check the network transmission within the cluster
  2. Check the scheduling of regions
| username: cheng | Original post link

Check if there is a lock.

| username: TiDBer_pkQ5q1l0 | Original post link

The network speed is up to more than 30Mb.