Slow SQL Response Time

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Original topic: sql响应时间慢

| username: xiexin

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production
【TiDB Version】v4.0.10
【Encountered Problem】Overall increase in SQL response time for the cluster
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】
Business feedback indicates SQL timeout. Checking the information_schema.cluster_slow_query table reveals that the long-running SQL queries are using unique keys (uk). Monitoring shows that the 99% gRPC message duration for kv_batch_get_command is significantly higher, normally in milliseconds but has risen to seconds.
Machine load has not reached a bottleneck.

All components are version v4.0.10.

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

Version, SQL, table structure, execution plan, problem symptoms, and whether there are any abnormal monitoring indicators. Please provide detailed information.

| username: xiexin | Original post link

Hmm, editing in progress.

| username: buddyyuan | Original post link

Trace the SELECT statement to see which part is consuming the most time?

| username: h5n1 | Original post link Export the overview, \tidb\pd\tikv detail\ monitoring according to this. Make sure to click expand and wait for all panels to load the data completely before exporting.

| username: xiexin | Original post link

| operation | startTS | duration |
| trace | 15:46:27.532819 | 201.281889ms |
| ├─session.Execute | 15:46:27.532825 | 508.492µs |
| │ ├─session.ParseSQL | 15:46:27.532831 | 31.272µs |
| │ ├─executor.Compile | 15:46:27.532894 | 348.389µs |
| │ └─session.runStmt | 15:46:27.533256 | 52.253µs |
| └─*executor.BatchPointGetExec.Next | 15:46:27.533348 | 200.51194ms |
| └─rpcClient.SendRequest | 15:46:27.533389 | 200.391491ms |

| username: xiexin | Original post link

Boss, please check if this has any data.

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

No, the exported file is at least a few megabytes.

| username: undefined | Original post link

I remember there was an optimization for point get in version 4.0.9. Before version 4.0.8, casting would not occur, but it does in 4.0.9. Check if the type of your index column matches the type you are passing.

| username: xiexin | Original post link

They are all numeric types, no implicit conversion.

| username: xiexin | Original post link

There are quite a few monitoring items, and the laptop’s memory might not be sufficient. Could you please export some of the necessary monitoring panels?

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

At 7:00, there was a sudden increase in ops usage, which coincides with the grpc message time. Is this normal? Check the thread CPU, disk IO, and network latency in the TiKV monitoring. Also, is this cluster running on a laptop?

| username: xiexin | Original post link

This “use” should be “use db”. The SQL timeout application should have retries, and the number of connections has also increased. After creating a new connection, use db, and then query data.

| username: xiexin | Original post link

No, I checked the Prometheus monitoring on the laptop. The cluster is running on physical machines with a configuration of 64 cores and 256GB memory, across 4 physical machines.

| username: xiexin | Original post link

TiDB4.0-Cluster-TiKV-Details_2022-08-26T08_49_19.298Z.json (1.9 MB)

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

The CPU utilization of the 40th TiKV thread is very high, and from the curve, it is consistent with the use in ops. Export the TiDB server monitoring data and take a look.

| username: xiexin | Original post link

tidb moni
TiDB4.0-Cluster-TiDB_2022-08-26T09_24_08.274Z.json (2.9 MB)

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

From 7:00 to 7:01, there was an increase in KV requests, and subsequently, the duration started to rise. Check if there are any large queries during this time period.

| username: xiexin | Original post link

There are no large queries, and non-system query statements. During the time period from 06:55:00 to 07:05:00, the slow query with the maximum memory usage (Mem_max) observed was 335400.

| username: xiexin | Original post link

Currently, it has been identified that the leading column field of the unique key (UK) has low distinctiveness.
For example:
UK (col1, col2, col3)
col1 is a grouping field, col2 is a status field, and col3 is a user ID field.
In terms of distinctiveness, col3 is the highest and col2 is the lowest.

SELECT * FROM table WHERE col1 IN (1001) AND col2 IN (1, 2, 3, 4) AND col3 = 155246852;