Specific Method to Fix All Region Leaders of TiKV on Certain Machines

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: tikv的region leader 全都固定在某几台机器上的具体方法

| username: Raymond

Dear teachers, in the dual-center mode within the same city,

  1. There should be a specific method to fix all the region leaders of TiKV on certain machines, right?
  2. There should also be a specific method to fix the PD leader on a certain server, right?
    Please provide guidance on these two methods.
| username: h5n1 | Original post link

  1. (1) Set evict scheduler for machines that do not need a leader (2) Use placement rule (3) Set leader weight to 0 for machines that do not need a leader (cannot fully guarantee no leader)
  2. Set leader weight using pd-ctl member weight
| username: system | Original post link

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