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Original topic: SQL 错误 [8118] [HY000]: Failed to build executor 。版本tidb-v6.1.0
【TiDB Usage Environment】Production Environment
【TiDB Version】v6.1.0
【Encountered Problem】TiDB prompts: SQL Error [8118] [HY000]: Failed to build executor
【Reproduction Path】1) Contains sum in select 2) left join B on and A.num=2, the query SQL reports the above error
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】TiDB prompts: SQL Error [8118] [HY000]: Failed to build executor
What specific statement was executed? grant xxxx?
Just grant select on xxx.* to user@‘%’
Was this executed in DBeaver? Which version of the MySQL connector is referenced?
I get the same error when executing on the command line
~]# mysql -V
mysql Ver 8.0.20-11 for Linux on x86_64 (Percona Server (GPL), Release 11, Revision 159f0eb)
The background information is still too little, could you please provide the minimal reproducible scenario statement?
The default value of tidb_distsql_scan_concurrency
is 15. If you have a large number of concurrent queries, you can try reducing this value to see if it helps.
The bug is clear: after a left join, adding ‘and other_table.field’ and having sum() in the select statement will result in the error: [8118] [HY000]: Failed to build executor.
If it’s an inner join, there will be no error.
I see the same error, it should be the BUG mentioned above ~ Surprisingly, the fix progress is visible on the GitHub link.
I don’t know if it’s the same issue, but the scenario is different. There were no errors in version v5.4.0.
According to your suggestion, I constructed a simple case, but still couldn’t reproduce the issue. If possible, it would be best to provide the table creation statements and the shortest possible SQL.
The following statement reports an error
select d.tid, smi.tid, b.tid,
SUM(CASE WHEN d.period < '2020-01' THEN ELSE 0 END) AS beforeYearAmt
FROM testdbs.`m_info` smi
INNER JOIN testdbs.`b2_info` d
ON smi.code = d.code1 AND d.type1 = '03' AND smi.code3 = 'S21011'
LEFT JOIN testdbs.`h_info` a ON smi.code4 = a.code AND smi.type3 = '01'
LEFT JOIN testdbs.`b1_info` b ON a.btestcode = b.code
WHERE d.code2 = 'S21011'
AND d.period <= '2021-12'
I have already posted the steps to reproduce the issue in the reply above, please take a look.
Check the current SQL mode settings?
The current phenomenon is:
- Using the default
TiDB> select d.tid,smi.tid ,b.tid , SUM(CASE WHEN d.period < '2020-01' THEN ELSE 0 END) AS
beforeYearAmt FROM testdbs.m_info smi INNER JOIN testdbs.b2_info d ON smi.code = d.code1 AND d.type1 = 03 AND smi.code3 = 'S21011' LEFT JOIN testdbs.h_info a ON smi.code4 = a.code AND smi.type3 = 01 LEFT JOIN testdbs.b1_info b ON a.btestcode = b.code WHERE d.code2 = 'S21011' AND d.period <= '2021-12' LIMIT 10;
ERROR 8123 (HY000): In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'tid'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
- After modifying
TiDB> select d.tid,smi.tid ,b.tid , SUM(CASE WHEN d.period < '2020-01' THEN ELSE 0 END) AS
beforeYearAmt FROM testdbs.m_info smi INNER JOIN testdbs.b2_info d ON smi.code = d.code1 AND d.type1 = 03 AND smi.code3 = 'S21011' LEFT JOIN testdbs.h_info a ON smi.code4 = a.code AND smi.type3 = 01 LEFT JOIN testdbs.b1_info b ON a.btestcode = b.code WHERE d.code2 = 'S21011' AND d.period <= '2021-12' LIMIT 10;
ERROR 8118 (HY000): Failed to build executor
- After modifying
and removing AND smi.type3 = '01'
TiDB> select d.tid,smi.tid ,b.tid , SUM(CASE WHEN d.period < '2020-01' THEN ELSE 0 END) AS
beforeYearAmt FROM testdbs.m_info smi INNER JOIN testdbs.b2_info d ON smi.code = d.code1 AND d.type1 = 03 AND smi.code3 = 'S21011' LEFT JOIN testdbs.h_info a ON smi.code4 = a.code LEFT JOIN testdbs.b1_info b ON a.btestcode = b.code WHERE d.code2 = 'S21011' AND d.period <= '2021-12' LIMIT 10;
| tid | tid | tid | beforeYearAmt |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
Step 2: Isn’t the sql_mode you set the same as mine?
Step 3: Why remove AND smi.type3 = '01'
If you think the SQL is not standard, you can execute it like this:
SELECT d.code2, a.code, b.code,
SUM(CASE WHEN d.period < '2020-01' THEN ELSE 0 END) AS beforeYearAmt
FROM testdbs.m_info smi
INNER JOIN testdbs.b2_info d ON smi.code = d.code1
AND d.type1 = '03' AND smi.code3 = 'S21011'
LEFT JOIN testdbs.h_info a ON smi.code4 = a.code AND smi.type3 = '01'
LEFT JOIN testdbs.b1_info b ON a.btestcode = b.code
WHERE d.code2 = 'S21011'
AND d.period <= '2021-12'
GROUP BY d.code2, a.code, b.code
I took a quick look and found that it was because the master changed some calculation methods in the basePhysicalJoin within the PhysicalPlan. I’ll take another look in the next few days.