Storage Limitations of the information_Schema.CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY System Table

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Original topic: information_Schema.CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY 系统表存储限制

| username: Raymond

May I ask what the storage limit of the system table information_Schema.CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY is? For example, how many rows can it store, or how much time’s worth of slow logs can it store? Based on my observation, this table does not store all the slow logs.

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

This table contains data read from the slow log file. It depends on how long your text file has been stored.

| username: Raymond | Original post link

Actually, it is not stored based on text files. My observation is that information_schema.CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY only retains a few days of historical slow logs, even though the historical slow logs contain data from the last 15 days?

| username: WalterWj | Original post link

This table is a mapping table, and it actually scans the slow log file. If it cannot be found, it might be a bug. Consider raising a TiDB issue.