StoreHealthyChecker Error: Store is not reachable

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Original topic: StoreHealthyChecker报错store is not reachable

| username: wandou

After the client connects to PD, it keeps reporting this warning: “o.t.common.region.x’d recovers to be reachable/is not reachable.” Is there any configuration that needs to be adjusted?

| username: Jellybean | Original post link

Generally speaking, a small number of region not found or inaccessible warning logs is a normal phenomenon. The internal scheduling process of the cluster can trigger these situations.

You can continue to monitor the cluster. If these logs are reported in small quantities and for a short period, you can ignore them. If they are reported in large quantities and for a long period, there may be some issues with the cluster’s storage layer, and further investigation will be needed.

| username: wandou | Original post link

Currently, this error keeps occurring. Could you please advise on the specific areas that need to be investigated? I haven’t noticed anything unusual from the monitoring.

| username: redgame | Original post link

No need, continue to observe.

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

Are you developing the client connection to PD yourself?

| username: cassblanca | Original post link

You should connect to TiDB Server. Can you connect directly to PD?

| username: wandou | Original post link

If you only want to use TiKV, wouldn’t you connect directly to PD? I’m using the Java client.

| username: wandou | Original post link

TiKV’s Java client

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

You can ask in the developer forum