Suggestion for the official team to add a new feature: Intelligent Index Recommendation

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 建议官方加入一个新功能。智能索引推荐。

| username: tidb狂热爱好者

[SQL Tuning Guide—Intelligent Index Recommendation-
Run Index Recommendation
SELECT sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 AS avg_yearly
FROM lineitem,
WHERE p_partkey = l_partkey
AND p_brand = ‘Brand#23’
AND p_container = ‘MED BOX’
AND l_quantity <
(SELECT 0.2 * avg(l_quantity)
FROM lineitem
WHERE l_partkey = p_partkey);

Returns recommendation information and recommendation effectiveness. Does TiDB have a corresponding intelligent recommendation feature like PostgreSQL?
IMPROVE_VALUE: 2465.3% # Estimated overall cost improvement percentage
IMPROVE_CPU: 59377.4% # Estimated CPU improvement percentage
IMPROVE_MEM: 0.4% # Estimated memory improvement percentage
IMPROVE_IO: 3024.7% # Estimated disk I/O improvement percentage
IMPROVE_NET: 2011.1% # Estimated network transmission improvement percentage
BEFORE_VALUE: 4.711359845E8 # Overall cost value before adding the index
BEFORE_CPU: 1.19405577E7 # Estimated CPU value before adding the index
BEFORE_MEM: 426811.2 # Estimated memory consumption before adding the index
BEFORE_IO: 44339 # Estimated disk I/O value before adding the index
BEFORE_NET: 47.5 # Estimated network transmission value before adding the index
AFTER_VALUE: 1.83655008E7 # Overall cost value after adding the index
AFTER_CPU: 20075.8 # Estimated CPU value after adding the index
AFTER_MEM: 425016 # Estimated memory consumption after adding the index
AFTER_IO: 1419 # Estimated disk I/O value after adding the index
AFTER_NET: 2.2 # Estimated network transmission value after adding the index
ADVISE_INDEX: ALTER TABLE lineitem ADD INDEX __advise_index_lineiteml_partkey(l_partkey);
/ The content in ADVISE_INDEX is the recommended index creation statement /
NEW_PLAN: # Expected execution plan after adding the index
Project(avg_yearly=“$f0 / ?0”)
Filter(condition=“l_quantity < $16 * f17w0$o0”)
SortWindow(p_partkey=“p_partkey”, l_partkey=“l_partkey”, l_quantity=“l_quantity”, l_extendedprice=“l_extendedprice”, $16="$16", f5w0$o0="window#0AVG($2)“, Reference Windows=“window#0=window(partition {1} order by range between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING and UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggs [AVG($2)])”)
MemSort(sort=“l_partkey ASC”)
BKAJoin(condition=“l_partkey = p_partkey”, type=“inner”)
LogicalView(tables=”[0000,0001].part", shardCount=2, sql=“SELECT p_partkey FROM part AS part WHERE ((p_brand = ?) AND (p_container = ?))”)
LogicalView(tables=“[0000,0001].lineitem”, shardCount=2, sql=“SELECT l_partkey, l_quantity, l_extendedprice, ? AS $16 FROM lineitem AS lineitem WHERE (l_partkey IN (…))”)
INFO: LOCAL_INDEX # Other information

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

[Problem Scenario Involved in the Requirement]

[Expected Requirement Behavior]

[Alternative Solutions for the Requirement]

[Background Information]
Such as which users will benefit from it, and some usage scenarios. Any API design, models, or diagrams would be more helpful.

Please provide your requirements according to the question template.

| username: xuexiaogang | Original post link

I think what he means is that if others have it, let’s see if we can have it here too. For example, WeChat has a Moments feature, so should Alipay also create one? Alipay indeed created one as well. In short, just make one similar to that.

| username: HACK | Original post link
