Sync_diff_inspector Verification Error: failed to check data difference

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Original topic: sync_diff_inspector验证报错:failed to check data difference

| username: 飞天小菜狗

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production Environment
【TiDB Version】V5.4.0
【Encountered Problem】
Error reported when using sync_diff_inspector for verification: [FATAL] [main.go:135] [“failed to check data difference”] [error=“analyze value (81951434315, 16748) failed”] [errorVerbose=“analyze value (81951434315, 16748) failed
\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1571”] [stack=“main.checkSyncState
[2022/09/17 02:30:57.119 +08:00] [INFO] [chunks_iter.go:148] [“Stop do produce chunks by context done”]

| username: jansu-dev | Original post link

  1. No known issues found so far;
  2. However, the error occurred in this area, which should be related to the data type and data values to be verified.
  3. Currently, there is no good way to investigate this. You can try to find the fields that store the values 81951434315 and 16748 in the data to attempt to reproduce the issue;
  4. Only with a stable reproducible model of the issue can it be resolved.
| username: dengqee | Original post link

Encountered the same issue.