Talent Plan 2022 TinySQL Learning Camp Information Overview

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Original topic: Talent Plan 2022 TinySQL 学习营信息总览

| username: LIMBO42

Talent Plan 2022 TinySQL Learning Camp Information Overview

Talent Plan 2022 TinySQL Learning Camp Information Overview

  • Course Address:

  • Recommended Environment for Experiment Testing:

    • Linux x86_64
    • Minimum memory 4G
    • Go language version greater than or equal to 1.13
  • Learning Period:

    • July 6th - August 14th
  • Grade Announcement Date:

    • August 17th
  • Learning Method:

    • Mainly online self-study
    • Supplemented by participating in learning camp sharing lectures
  • Reward Scheme:

    • First Prize: 1 team, total reward of 5000 RMB
    • Second Prize: 1 team, total reward of 3000 RMB (increased appropriately based on the number of participants)
    • Third Prize: 2 teams, each team rewarded 1000 RMB (increased appropriately based on the number of participants)
    • All teams passing the assignments (60 points and above) will receive Talent Plan exquisite peripherals and course completion certificates
    • The top 10 teams of fresh graduates will get direct interview opportunities for PingCAP’s 2023 spring and autumn recruitment
    • Outstanding students will be invited to become mentors in the Talent Plan learning community
  • Learning Camp Interaction Points Scheme:

    • 🆕【新奖励上线】增加课程学习积分&经验值奖励 - TiDB 的问答社区
    • By completing TinySQL assignments, you will receive 500 points
    • The learning camp encourages actively answering reasonable questions raised by other teams in the “Learning and Certification” section on https://asktug.com under the Talent Plan tag
    • For bugs and feature suggestions related to the course, feel free to submit issues to the course repo. Once reviewed, the submitter will be awarded points.
    • During the learning camp, if you solve a TinySQL course issue and it passes review, the author will be awarded corresponding points.
  • About Asking and Answering Questions:

    • Code-level questions such as how to implement a certain method or define a certain data structure are not allowed
    • For general questions, teams are encouraged to first search for information and discuss within the team. If there is still no answer, you can raise it in the group or on https://asktug.com. Please choose the “Learning and Certification” section and tag the question with Talent Plan
    • Suggestions and questions regarding the organization of the learning camp can be raised with the Camp Leader
  • About Submitting Assignments:

    • Code is submitted and automatically graded through Github Classroom. Github classroom invitations will be sent after the camp starts.
  • Documents (understanding of each Lab) should be sent to talent-plan@tidb.io, with the email subject “【Team Name】-2022 tinySQL Assignment Document.” Fresh graduates should attach their resumes in the document email to talent-plan@tidb.io for consideration in the 2023 spring and autumn recruitment direct interview opportunities.

  • Assignment Scoring Rules:

    • Assignment scores are based on code correctness (80%)
      • Lab 1 (5%)
      • Lab 2 (10%)
      • Lab 3 (20%)
      • Lab 4 (20%)
        • Lab4-1 (10%)
        • Lab4-2 (10%)
      • Lab 5 (30%)
        • Lab5-1 (10%)
        • Lab5-2 (10%)
        • Lab5-3 (10%)
      • Lab 6 (15%)
    • Final project documentation (20%)
    • In case of the same score, team interaction points will determine the ranking. If interaction points are the same, the earlier submitter wins.
  • Learning Camp Discipline:

    • Plagiarism is not allowed. The backend will compare the similarity of assignments. If plagiarism is found, the score will be canceled and the team will be blacklisted.
  • Learning Camp Sharing Schedule

Week Time Topic Presenter Matching Course Progress
W1 July 7th 8:00 pm ~ 8:45 pm Learning Camp Kick-off SQL and Relational Data Introduction PingCAP Wang Yanguang, PingCAP Wang Cong Lab 1
W2 July 14th 8:00 pm ~ 8:45 pm Parser and Asynchronous Schema Change Process PingCAP Xie Tengjin Lab 2
W3 July 21st 8:00 pm ~ 8:45 pm System R Search Framework and Code Implementation Bytebase Junyi Lab 3
W4 July 28th 8:00 pm ~ 8:45 pm Join and Access Path Selection PingCAP Cui Yiding Lab 4
W5 August 4th 8:00 pm ~ 8:45 pm Executor - Volcano Model and Vectorization, Hash Join/Aggregate DigitalChina Jiang Kun Lab 5
W6 August 11th 8:00 pm ~ 8:45 pm Percolator Transaction Model PingCAP Yang Yunwei Lab 6
| username: rogerwang | Original post link

Full support.

Thanks in advance to all the mentors for sharing their time.

| username: rogerwang | Original post link

Successfully concluded, Talent Plan 2022 TinySQL 学习营获奖名单 - TiDB 的问答社区