The cluster cannot start after the server restarts due to a power outage

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Original topic: 服务器断电重启后集群无法启动

| username: TiDBer_0OBb6zFE

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment
[TiDB Version] 7.1
[Reproduction Path] After the server power outage and restart, both TiKV and TiDB nodes cannot start. Tried using the tiup cluster restart command to restart the cluster.
[Encountered Problem: Phenomenon and Impact] After the server power outage and restart, the cluster cannot start, only the PD node is in the up state.
[Resource Configuration]
[Attachments: Screenshots/Logs/Monitoring]

TiKV Log:
tikv0703.log (742.3 KB)

| username: 小龙虾爱大龙虾 | Original post link

It looks like the file is corrupted. Is your environment a physical machine? Did all the machines lose power?

[2024/07/03 20:13:22.629 +08:00] [FATAL] [] ["failed to start node: Engine(Other(\"[components/raftstore/src/store/fsm/]: \\\"[components/raftstore/src/store/]: [region 16] 17 validate state fail: Other(\\\\\\\"[components/raftstore/src/store/]: log at recorded commit index [12510] 39842466 doesn't exist, may lose data, region 16, raft state hard_state { term: 12510 vote: 204 commit: 39842344 } last_index: 39842345, apply state applied_index: 39842466 commit_index: 39842466 commit_term: 12510 truncated_state { index: 39842459 term: 12510 }\\\\\\\")\\\"\"))"]
| username: YuchongXU | Original post link

Redeploy it.

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

Check this out… Column - Methods for Handling Lossy Recovery of Multiple Damaged Replicas in TiDB | TiDB Community

| username: TiDBer_0OBb6zFE | Original post link

The virtual machine is installed on a physical machine, and TiDB is installed on the virtual machine. The physical machine lost power, and all nodes went down. Is there any way to save this situation?

| username: TiDBer_0OBb6zFE | Original post link

Is there a lossless repair solution? Or a solution with minimal loss?

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

You have to go for lossy recovery. Lossy recovery doesn’t necessarily mean that your data will be significantly affected. The lost data might be something you don’t need or isn’t important. Recover first and then evaluate.

| username: lemonade010 | Original post link

Send the logs of other components and take a look.

| username: ffeenn | Original post link

Before restoring, make sure to back up the physical data of TiKV. Otherwise, any operational mistakes will be irreversible.

| username: TiDBer_0OBb6zFE | Original post link

You need to back up the /tidb-data/tikv-20160 directory on each TiKV node, right?

| username: TiDBer_0OBb6zFE | Original post link

So, you’re saying that lossy recovery might result in the loss of data from the short period when the issue occurred, right?

| username: 希希希望啊 | Original post link

Power outages are indeed common in most work environments. I also want to know how to achieve minimal recovery without data loss.

| username: TiDBer_0OBb6zFE | Original post link

pd.log (60.0 KB)
tidb.log (15.8 KB)

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

Not necessarily, it depends on whether the disk of your physical machine has failed due to a power outage. If the power outage directly causes a disk to fail and you haven’t set up RAID, it can be difficult. Of course, TiDB uses a 3-replica mechanism, so if your 3 TiKV instances are using three different disks, it doesn’t matter if one of them fails.

| username: ffeenn | Original post link

For backing up the data directory specified in your configuration, you can try to repair the region. There is also a worst-case recovery method, but it is not recommended. Network Failure Collective Migration IP Failure Recovery Process - TiDB Q&A Community (

| username: TiDBer_0OBb6zFE | Original post link

Yes, the disk should not be damaged. It can still be mounted, and the files on the disk are still visible.

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

:flushed: Normally, a UPS and even a diesel generator are required. There generally shouldn’t be any power outages.

| username: lemonade010 | Original post link

[2024/07/03 20:15:44.482 +08:00] [FATAL] [] [“failed to start node: Engine(Other("[components/raftstore/src/store/fsm/]: \"[components/raftstore/src/store/]: [region 16] 17 validate state fail: Other(\\\"[components/raftstore/src/store/]: log at recorded commit index [12510] 39842466 doesn’t exist, may lose data, region 16, raft state hard_state { term: 12510 vote: 204 commit: 39842344 } last_index: 39842345, apply state applied_index: 39842466 commit_index: 39842466 commit_term: 12510 truncated_state { index: 39842459 term: 12510 }\\\")\""))”]
Are all three nodes reporting this error? If they all fail to start due to this reason, you might have to resort to a loss recovery.

| username: TiDBer_0OBb6zFE | Original post link

All three nodes are reporting this error.

| username: ffeenn | Original post link

Let’s start with lossy recovery. Are all of these on a single disk?