This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: server-memory-quota参数不生效

[Test Environment for TiDB]
[TiDB Version] V5.4.0
[Reproduction Path] Operations that led to the issue
- Set server-memory-quota to 1G
- Use sysbench for testing
sysbench oltp_read_write.lua
[Encountered Issues: Phenomenon and Impact]
- Observed through Grafana that TiDB’s memory usage exceeded 1G, approximately 1.2G, but sysbench continued running without reporting an out of global memory limit error.
- After exceeding 1G, executed a memory-intensive SQL as per the official documentation: select * from t1 t1 join t1 t2 join t1 t3 order by, but it did not report an out of global memory limit error and instead directly caused an OOM.
Therefore, I have a few questions:
- Does the global memory limit parameter seem ineffective?
- Is the parameter to limit the maximum memory for a single SQL to 1G also ineffective? Or does it use 4G of memory first and then return an out of memory limit error?
- When TiDB OOMed, the monitoring metrics did not exceed 4G. Am I looking at the wrong metrics?
[Resource Configuration]
TiDB allocated memory is 4G
[Attachments: Screenshots/Logs/Monitoring]