The syncer task's target position is greater than the actual binlog position, Client requested master to start replication from position > file size

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Original topic: syncer任务的指向pos大于实际binlog pos,Client requested master to start replication from position > file size

| username: freywan

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment
[TiDB Version] v5.2.3
[DM Version] v2.0.7
[Encountered Issue] The syncer task’s pos is greater than the actual binlog pos


[Reproduction Path] Attempted to re-fetch binlog before noticing the pos issue, but it couldn’t be resolved
[Issue Phenomenon and Impact] Currently, this data source is divided into two sources for sharding synchronization, affecting nearly 20 tasks, and production data synchronization has stopped
Logs of the day when the master-slave desynchronization occurred and logs of 20220704
dm-worker.log.20220704.tar.gz (6.8 MB)
dm-worker.log.20220701.tar.gz (13.8 MB)

Additionally, the logs captured an EOF error located on the binlog where the error occurred:

| username: lance6716 | Original post link

Is your upstream RDS? The size of this binlog file has indeed decreased.

| username: freywan | Original post link

It’s RDS:rofl:

| username: lance6716 | Original post link

You can submit a ticket to them. May I ask which company it is? It would help us accumulate RDS experience.

For DM, you can try going back to an earlier position, enable safemode for synchronization, or redo from the full backup.

| username: system | Original post link

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