💗The Third TiDB Community Qixi Love Challenge Officially Begins, Waiting for You to Join! Exclusive Qixi Romance for TiDBers, Bring the Qixi Gift Box to Your Beloved!

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Original topic: :heartpulse:第三届 TiDB 社区七夕为爱挑战赛正式开启,等你来挑战!TiDBer 专属七夕浪漫,把七夕礼盒带给心爱的TA!

| username: 社区小助手

Qixi Festival, TiDB Community with Love :heart:

The annual Qixi Festival is approaching, and our community’s Qixi Love Challenge has been held twice!

Every effort and contribution made for love is seen by TA!

This sincerity and effort not only warm TA’s heart but also illuminate each other’s world.

This August 10th is not only the reunion of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl but also a wonderful moment for our TiDB community members to encounter technology and love! On this special day, the TiDB community sincerely invites every TiDBer to interpret your love and commitment with actions and participate in the third Qixi Love Challenge of the TiDB community! Write a legend of love in the name of technology.

Are you ready to embrace the romantic challenge of TiDBer on Qixi?

How to Participate

Leave a comment “I want to challenge” in the comment section of this post to participate in this event!

Join the event WeChat group:

(If the QR code expires, you can add TiDB Robot WeChat: tidbai to join the group)


Challenge Content Overview

There are five ways to challenge, you can participate in any of them and get corresponding challenge points (will be counted), and the awards and rewards will be determined based on the individual challenge points during the event period!

1. Challenge One: Contribute wisdom to the technical problems raised by community members, provide solutions and ideas

Direct link to TiDB technical questions area: 🪐 TiDB 技术问题 - TiDB 的问答社区

  • Participate in replies: 15 challenge points, water posts do not count

  • Marked as the best answer: 40 challenge points, water posts do not count

2. Challenge Two: Share “Benefits of Using TiDB”

Direct link to the post: 【七夕为爱挑战赛支线任务二】一起聊聊使用 TiDB 的收益!分享可得七夕活动 40 挑战分 & 留言点赞数前十可额外获 100 挑战分! - TiDB 的问答社区

  • Leave a comment in the post to share the benefits of using TiDB: 40 challenge points, water posts do not count, and no duplicate points

  • Top ten likes on comments: 100 challenge points

3. Challenge Three: Write technical articles and become a TiDB community evangelist

Direct link to TiDB community column: 专栏 - 首页 | TiDB 社区

  • Type One: Write technical articles, no theme restrictions

    • Write an article + pass review: 100 challenge points per article

    • Top ten likes on articles: 300 challenge points

  • Type Two: Write upgrade articles, share upgrade experiences & benefits & tips (the upgraded version must be 6.5.X or above)

    • Write an article + pass review: 200 challenge points per article

    • Top ten likes on articles: 300 challenge points

  • Type Three: Write TiDB enterprise practice articles (must include enterprise logo)

    • Write an article + pass review: 200 challenge points per article

    • Top ten likes on articles: 300 challenge points

  • :star2: Note: If the written article belongs to multiple types, only the highest reward will be granted

4. Challenge Four: Improve & produce community wisdom collections, contribute to the TiDB community

Direct link to TiDB community wisdom collection: 社区智慧合集 - TiDB 的问答社区

  • Type One: Improve existing community wisdom collections

    • Directly comment and supplement in any collection comment area

    • Supplement one content: 15 challenge points, water posts do not count

  • Type Two: Publish new community wisdom collections (do not repeat existing collection themes)

    • Theme reference: TiDB upgrade, operation and maintenance, database selection, product feature interpretation, source code interpretation, etc.

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] Disaster Recovery Solutions

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] TiKV/PD/Tiflash/TiDB Startup Failure

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] Dashboard Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] TiDB Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] Tiflash Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] TiDB Operator Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] TiDB Data Migration Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] TiDB Lightning Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] Dumpling Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] TiCDC Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] TiSpark Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] TiDB Binlog Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] PingCAP Clinic Knowledge Base

      • [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] sync-diff-inspector Knowledge Base

      • [Fault Cases & Solutions] Incremental & Full Data Synchronization Practice

      • [Fault Cases & Solutions] Query/Execution Result Inconsistency

      • [Fault Cases & Solutions] TiKV Multi-Replica Loss Issue

      • [Source Code Interpretation] TiCDC/TiKV/TiFlash/PD/TiSpark/TiDB Source Code Interpretation, Hand-in-Hand Guide to Source Code

      • Other Knowledge Bases, Fault & Solutions, Source Code Interpretation

    • New wisdom collection content must > 20 items (can include columns, Q&A, blogs, documents, external content, etc.)

    • Production guide

  • Publish a high-quality community wisdom collection: 200 challenge points

5. Challenge Five: Publish your exclusive story with TiDB in the “My Story with TiDB” area

Direct link to My Story with TiDB area: 使用我和tidb的故事标记的话题

  • Publish your exclusive story with TiDB: 150 challenge points

  • Top ten likes: 100 challenge points

Event Timeline

July 11th, 12:00 PM: Event starts

August 5th, 12:00 PM: Event ends

August 6th: Awards announcement

August 7th-10th: Receive Qixi gifts!

Event Rewards

During the event period (July 11th, 12:00 PM - August 5th, 12:00 PM), participate in any challenge and get corresponding challenge points. The top 20 TiDBers with the highest total challenge points will receive corresponding prizes, as well as participation rewards and special commemorative rewards!

Challenge Points Ranking Top 1

Can receive the following rewards:

  • Custom Qixi Lily Flower · Rattan Basket Gift Box (including Lily Flower Cup & Saucer Set + Heart Gold Spoon + Freesia Fragrance + Hand Cream + CHALI Tea + Rattan Basket)

  • Custom Qixi Fragrance Hidden Poetry Fragrance Gift Box (including 12 fragrances + candle holder + gift box + greeting card)

  • Custom Qixi New Chinese Style Tassel Set (including Lotus Comb + Carved Mirror + Gift Box Bag)

  • Custom Qixi Secret Garden Flower Ceramic Fragrance Candle

  • Custom Cube Tulip Flower Sea Night Light

  • Custom 2024 New Painted Ti-Tshirt

  • 999 points + TiDB Romantic Evangelist Electronic Badge

Challenge Points Ranking Top 2-10

Can receive the following prizes:

  • Custom Qixi Secret Garden Flower Ceramic Fragrance Candle

  • Custom Qixi New Chinese Style Tassel Set (including Lotus Comb + Carved Mirror + Gift Box Bag)

  • Custom Cube Tulip Flower Sea Night Light

  • Custom 2024 New Painted Ti-Tshirt

  • 777 points + TiDB Romantic Evangelist Electronic Badge

Challenge Points Ranking Top 11-20

Can receive the following:

  • Custom Qixi Secret Garden Flower Ceramic Fragrance Candle

  • Custom 2024 New Painted Ti-Tshirt

  • 520 points + TiDB Romantic Evangelist Electronic Badge

Special Commemorative Reward for Qixi Event:

During the event, write [articles] or [community wisdom collections] to receive a TiDB Qixi Rose Physical Badge*1

Participation Reward:

Reply “I want to challenge” in the comment section and participate in the challenge to receive 99 participation points & experience rewards + TiDB Romantic Evangelist Electronic Badge

The Qixi gift is ready for TA! Waiting for you to participate!!

| username: xfworld | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: 裤衩儿飞上天 | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: Jellybean | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: tony5413 | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: 成为一名优秀的DBA | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: Miracle | Original post link

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| username: vincentLi | Original post link

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| username: Hacker007 | Original post link

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| username: 考试没答案 | Original post link

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| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

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| username: MrSylar | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: TiDBer_LM | Original post link

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| username: 像风一样的男子 | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: dba-kit | Original post link

I want to challenge

| username: forever | Original post link

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