The tidb-unistore-tempxxxxxxxx directory in the /tmp directory of the TiDB server has excessive data volume (resolved)

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Original topic: tidb服务器/tmp目录下tidb-unistore-tempxxxxxxxxx目录是数据量过大(已解决)

| username: Hacker_GfW2YGtK

【TiDB Version】 v5.2
【Encountered Issue】 In the production environment, there is a directory named tidb-unistore-tempXXXXXXXX under the /tmp directory of the TIDB-server server, containing many data files that seem to be exported from tikv-server, all with idx and sst suffixes. This has caused the system root directory to fill up, making the service unavailable.
What files are stored in this directory, can they be deleted, what parameter defines this path, and how can this path definition be modified??


| username: h5n1 | Original post link

Is there a CDC or DM component?

| username: Hacker_GfW2YGtK | Original post link

Deploy DM’s master and worker.

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

Similar issue

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

Support for Syncer to use the DM-worker’s working directory to write internal files, no longer using the /tmp directory. The directory will be cleaned up after the task stops #4107.

| username: Hacker_GfW2YGtK | Original post link

Thank you.

| username: system | Original post link

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