TiCDC Create Extraction Task Error: [CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible] version is incompatible

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Original topic: TiCDC 创建抽取任务报错Error: [CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible

| username: 麻烦是朋友

【 TiDB Usage Environment】
Test Environment

【 TiDB Version】
$ tiup cluster display calctidb-cluster
Cluster name: calctidb-cluster
Cluster version: v6.0.0
Deploy user: tidb
SSH type: builtin

【 cdc Version】
$ tiup cdc version
tiup is checking updates for component cdc …
Starting component cdc: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.1.0/cdc version
Release Version: v6.1.0
Git Commit Hash: 9f5e3cea2fae0a3dce6cc5ca79e3bcd654b8aa99
Git Branch: heads/refs/tags/v6.1.0
UTC Build Time: 2022-06-07 11:54:04
Go Version: go version go1.18.2 linux/amd64
Failpoint Build: false

【 OS Version】
CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)

【 tiup Version】
[tidb@ptidbcalcmanage01 ~]$ tiup --version
1.10.2 tiup
Go Version: go1.18.3
Git Ref: v1.10.2
GitHash: 2de5b500c9fae6d418fa200ca150b8d5264d6b19

【Encountered Problem】
Creating a TiCDC sync task in TiDB version 5.0.0 results in the following error:
Error: [CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha
Upgrading TiDB to version 6.0.0 in offline mode and creating a TiCDC sync task still results in the same error:
Error: [CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha

【Reproduction Path】
1: Upgraded both the TiDB cluster and tiup components when the error occurred.
2: The same error persisted, so I scaled down the CDC node and then scaled it up again. Concerned that TiCDC might have retained information from the TiDB 5.0 version, I reinstalled it.

【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】
TiCDC node log information
[2022/07/08 16:26:44.919 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:355] [“/data03/cdc-8300 is set as data-dir (1206GB available), sort-dir=/data03/cdc-8300/tmp/sorter. It is recommended that the disk for data-dir at least have 500GB available space”]
[2022/07/08 16:26:44.922 +08:00] [WARN] [check.go:79] [“check TiKV version failed”] [error=“[CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha”] [errorVerbose=“[CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha

【Create Task Command】
tiup cdc cli changefeed create --pd=http://xxx.xx.3.115:2379 --sink-uri=“kafka:///xxx.xx.8.24:15502,/xxx.xx.8.25:15502,” --changefeed-id=“t-pay-detail” --config /home/tidb/cdc-conf/t_pay_detail.toml

| username: TammyLi | Original post link

The CDC version and TiDB version need to be consistent. When deploying TiCDC, you can use the tiup cluster scale-out cdc.yaml method, which will automatically deploy the same version of CDC.

| username: wluckdog | Original post link

I have also tried this operation, but the result is still the same.

| username: TammyLi | Original post link

Is your environment’s ticdc & tidb versions completely consistent now? If so, if possible, clear the metadata (this will delete all changefeeds): cdc cli unsafe reset

| username: 麻烦是朋友 | Original post link

–CDC Version
[tidb@ptidbcalcmanage01 ~]$ tiup cdc version
tiup is checking updates for component cdc …
A new version of cdc is available:
The latest version: v6.1.0
Local installed version: v6.0.0
Update current component: tiup update cdc
Update all components: tiup update --all

Starting component cdc: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.0.0/cdc version
Release Version: v6.0.0
Git Commit Hash: 2f363f653a49fc557ebaab1afa7a47f900fbfc8f
Git Branch: heads/refs/tags/v6.0.0
UTC Build Time: 2022-03-31 10:05:34
Go Version: go version go1.18 linux/amd64
Failpoint Build: false
–TiDB Version
tiup cluster list;
tiup is checking updates for component cluster …
Starting component cluster: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.10.2/tiup-cluster list
Name User Version Path PrivateKey

calctidb-cluster tidb v6.0.0 /home/tidb/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/calctidb-cluster /home/tidb/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/calctidb-cluster/ssh/id_rsa
–Creating task still reports the same error.
[tidb@ptidbcalcmanage01 cdc-conf]$ tiup cdc cli changefeed create --pd=http://xxx.xx.3.113:2379 --sink-uri=“kafka://xxx.xx.8.24:15502,xxx.xx.8.25:15502,xxx.xx.8.26:15502/t_pay_detail?kafka-version=3.1.0&max-message-bytes=10485760&replication-factor=3” --changefeed-id=“t-pay-detail” --config /home/tidb/cdc-conf/t_pay_detail.toml
tiup is checking updates for component cdc …
A new version of cdc is available:
The latest version: v6.1.0
Local installed version: v6.0.0
Update current component: tiup update cdc
Update all components: tiup update --all

Starting component cdc: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.0.0/cdc cli changefeed create --pd=http://xxx.xx.3.113:2379 --sink-uri=kafka://xxx.xx.8.24:15502,xxx.xx.8.25:15502,xxx.xx.8.26:15502/t_pay_detail?kafka-version=3.1.0&max-message-bytes=10485760&replication-factor=3 --changefeed-id=t-pay-detail --config /home/tidb/cdc-conf/t_pay_detail.toml
Error: [CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha
cdc cli changefeed create [flags]

-c, --changefeed-id string Replication task (changefeed) ID
–config string Path of the configuration file
–cyclic-filter-replica-ids uints (Experimental) Cyclic replication filter replica ID of changefeed (default )
–cyclic-replica-id uint (Experimental) Cyclic replication replica ID of changefeed
–cyclic-sync-ddl (Experimental) Cyclic replication sync DDL of changefeed (default true)
–disable-gc-check Disable GC safe point check
-h, --help help for create
–no-confirm Don’t ask user whether to ignore ineligible table
–opts key=value Extra options, in the key=value format
–sink-uri string sink uri
–sort-engine string sort engine used for data sort (default “unified”)
–start-ts uint Start ts of changefeed
–sync-interval duration (Experimental) Set the interval for syncpoint in replication(default 10min) (default 10m0s)
–sync-point (Experimental) Set and Record syncpoint in replication(default off)
–target-ts uint Target ts of changefeed
–tz string timezone used when checking sink uri (changefeed timezone is determined by cdc server) (default “SYSTEM”)

Global Flags:
–ca string CA certificate path for TLS connection
–cert string Certificate path for TLS connection
-i, --interact Run cdc cli with readline
–key string Private key path for TLS connection
–log-level string log level (etc: debug|info|warn|error) (default “warn”)
–pd string PD address, use ‘,’ to separate multiple PDs (default “”)

[CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha

Error without adding --pd parameter
[tidb@ptidbcalcmanage01 ~]$ tiup cdc cli unsafe reset
tiup is checking updates for component cdc …
A new version of cdc is available:
The latest version: v6.1.0
Local installed version: v6.0.0
Update current component: tiup update cdc
Update all components: tiup update --all

Starting component cdc: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.0.0/cdc cli unsafe reset
Confirm that you know what this command will do and use it at your own risk [Y/N]

Error: fail to open PD client, please check pd address “”: context deadline exceeded
cdc cli unsafe reset [flags]

-h, --help help for reset

Global Flags:
–ca string CA certificate path for TLS connection
–cert string Certificate path for TLS connection
-i, --interact Run cdc cli with readline
–key string Private key path for TLS connection
–log-level string log level (etc: debug|info|warn|error) (default “warn”)
–no-confirm Don’t ask user whether to confirm executing meta command
–pd string PD address, use ‘,’ to separate multiple PDs (default “”)

fail to open PD client, please check pd address “”: context deadline exceeded

Error with adding --pd parameter: CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible
[tidb@ptidbcalcmanage01 ~]$ tiup cdc cli unsafe reset --pd=http://xxx.xx.3.115:2379
tiup is checking updates for component cdc …
A new version of cdc is available:
The latest version: v6.1.0
Local installed version: v6.0.0
Update current component: tiup update cdc
Update all components: tiup update --all

Starting component cdc: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.0.0/cdc cli unsafe reset --pd=http://xxx.xx.3.115:2379
Confirm that you know what this command will do and use it at your own risk [Y/N]
Error: [CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha
cdc cli unsafe reset [flags]

-h, --help help for reset

Global Flags:
–ca string CA certificate path for TLS connection
–cert string Certificate path for TLS connection
-i, --interact Run cdc cli with readline
–key string Private key path for TLS connection
–log-level string log level (etc: debug|info|warn|error) (default “warn”)
–no-confirm Don’t ask user whether to confirm executing meta command
–pd string PD address, use ‘,’ to separate multiple PDs (default “”)

[CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha

| username: 麻烦是朋友 | Original post link

After scaling in, the cleanup also encounters the same issue.
tiup cluster scale-in calctidb-cluster --node xxx.xx.3.116:8300
tiup cluster scale-in calctidb-cluster --node xxx.xx.3.117:8300

[tidb@ptidbcalcmanage01 ~]$ tiup cdc cli unsafe reset --pd=http://xxx.xx.3.115:2379
tiup is checking updates for component cdc …
A new version of cdc is available:
The latest version: v6.1.0
Local installed version: v6.0.0
Update current component: tiup update cdc
Update all components: tiup update --all

Starting component cdc: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.0.0/cdc cli unsafe reset --pd=http://xxx.xx.3.115:2379
Confirm that you know what this command will do and use it at your own risk [Y/N]
Error: [CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha
cdc cli unsafe reset [flags]

-h, --help help for reset

Global Flags:
–ca string CA certificate path for TLS connection
–cert string Certificate path for TLS connection
-i, --interact Run cdc cli with readline
–key string Private key path for TLS connection
–log-level string log level (etc: debug|info|warn|error) (default “warn”)
–no-confirm Don’t ask user whether to confirm executing meta command
–pd string PD address, use ‘,’ to separate multiple PDs (default “”)

[CDC:ErrVersionIncompatible]version is incompatible: TiKV 5.0.0 is not supported, the minimal compatible version is 5.1.0-alpha

| username: 麻烦是朋友 | Original post link

I have internally reproduced your issue. The cause is related to your cluster being upgraded from version v5.0.0 to v6.0.0. There is a bug in v6.0.0’s PD. The solution is to upgrade the cluster to version v6.1.0. I have verified that upgrading resolves the issue.

Issue Confirmation:
There is version information of 5.0.0 in PD:
curl http://xxx.xx.3.115:2379/pd/api/v1/stores?state=0\&state=1\&state=2
“count”: 36,
“stores”: [
“store”: {
“id”: 10,
“address”: “xxx.xx.3.76:20172”,
“state”: 2,
“labels”: [
“key”: “host”,
“value”: “xxx.xx.3.76” ---------------> previous host IP
“version”: “5.0.0”,
** “status_address”: “xxx.xx.3.76:20182”,**
“git_hash”: “7706b9634bd901c9fe8dbe6a556025abbfd0793d”,
“start_timestamp”: 1625815970,
“deploy_path”: “/tidb/tikv2/bin”,
“last_heartbeat”: 1631172405972679111,
“node_state”: 3,
“state_name”: “Tombstone”
After upgrading the cluster version, this information still exists. Use the following command to clean it up, which cannot be done in version 6.0.0.
tiup ctl:v6.0.0 pd -u xxx.xx.3.115:2379 store remove-tombstone
After re-verifying, there is no 5.0.0 information, and the CDC task can be created normally again.
I hope this post is helpful to everyone.

| username: system | Original post link

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