TiDB 6.0 Book Rush is Coming to an End, Join Us in Making Decisions and Win a Chance to Get the New Community Messenger Bag for 3 Lucky Winners!

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Original topic: TiDB 6.0 Book Rush 收官在即,一起来共同决策,抽3名送社区新款挎包!

| username: Billmay表妹

TiDB 6.0 version has significantly improved the manageability and operability of TiDB.

To help everyone better understand and use the new features, the TiDB community launched the TiDB 6.0 Book Rush event on April 22, 2022, gathering the community’s efforts from all over the world to co-create the TiDB 6.0 User Guide.

Now, the Book Rush event is nearing its end, and several important matters need to be decided by all TiDBers. Come and participate!

1 “TiDBer Common Child’s Name” Decided by You

Previously, we launched a name collection event: 【TiDBer Chat Session 28】TiDB 6.0 Book Rush is about to be completed, come and give a resounding name to the “TiDBer Common Child” about to be born!

Everyone brainstormed and contributed over 50 names. We have selected some of the most representative names and hope TiDBers cast their sacred vote.

  • TiDB 6.0 Book Rush
  • TiDB 6.x Crash Course
  • TiDB 6.x Quick Start
  • TiDB’s Secret (v6.0 Edition)
  • TiDB 6.0 in Action
  • TiDB v6 Playbook
  • TiDB 6.0 Handbook
  • TiDB V6.x Practice Guide
  • TiDB 6.x Community Co-Creation Practice Manual
  • TiDBer Advanced Road v6.0
  • TiBook V6.0
  • Effective TiDB 6.0
  • Fluent TiDB
0 voters

Voting time: From now until July 20, the option with the highest number of votes will be the name of the TiDB 6.0 Book Rush event, serving as the official title of the TiDB Book Rush. The contributor of the winning name will receive a reward: Wireless Mobile Power Bank*1

2 Welcome Review and Feedback

This TiDB 6.0 Book Rush is divided into six content modules: TiDB 6.0 Principles and Features, TiDB Developer Experience Guide, TiDB 6.0 Manageability, TiDB 6.0 Kernel Optimization and Performance Improvement, TiDB 6.0 Evaluation, and TiDB 6.0 Usage Practice. Currently, it includes 46 articles, all of which have undergone multiple community reviews. We believe there is still room for optimization, so we welcome everyone to review. If you find any grammatical errors, areas that need modification, or parts that are not adequately described, you can contribute in the form of a PR.

  • Article link: TiDB 6.0 Book Rush! | TiDB Books

  • Participation method: Submit the content you think needs modification in the form of a PR on GitHub, and indicate your community nickname in the PR submission text, then reply with a screenshot in this post.

  • Activity reward: Each PR merged will earn 100 points & experience, with a maximum reward of 500 points & experience.

3 Community Popularity Award Decided by Your Vote

We received a total of 39 articles contributed by community TiDBers, of which 29 were selected for Book Rush. Read the articles and vote for your top three picks. The authors of the top 3 articles by votes will win the Community Popularity Award and receive an SKG Neck Massager. Thanks to the hardworking authors!

  • Vote here👇
  • Voting time: From now until July 20

4 Participation Rewards

We will draw one participant each from those who participated in the Book Rush name voting, PR Review, and Community Popularity Award voting (a total of 3 winners) to receive a " TiDB New Crossbody Bag ".

ps: If you participate in all three activities, you have three chances to win.

5 Additional Author Awards

Additionally, to thank the diligent authors, we have added four awards on top of the original four benefits of this Book Rush:

Click the link to like your favorite column article. The deadline for counting likes is July 20.

  • Best Diligence Award: Awarded to the top 3 authors who contributed the most articles to TiDB 6.0 Book Rush.

  • Best Author Award: Awarded to the author with the most articles selected for TiDB 6.0 Book Rush.


  • Award prize: SKG Neck Massager

  • Activity time: From now until July 20

Openness and sharing are the foundations of the community’s continuous growth, and sharing and mutual assistance are the sources of the community’s vitality. Thank you to TiDBers for your contributions and participation in this Book Rush series of activities. The official release of TiDB Book Rush and the list of all TiDBer winners will be announced on July 22. Stay tuned!

TiDB 6.0 Book Rush overall activity review: :loudspeaker:【Countdown to Registration】 TiDB 6.0 Book Rush Participation Guide is here! Rewards are increased, waiting for you!

Appendix: PR Review Guide

This Book Rush is collaboratively built on GitHub, so this article briefly introduces the basic process of collaboration on GitHub.

When you find areas in the article that need modification or improvement, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click [Edit this page] at the end of the article to enter the GitHub page of the article.

  2. Click the :pencil2: icon on the right and then click the first [Edit this file] to enter the edit page.

  1. After completing your modifications on the page, fill in the modification title and text at the bottom. Remember to fill in your community nickname in the text, and click [Propose changes].

  1. Click [Create pull request] on the right side of the page to create a PR and complete the PR submission.

  2. First-time PR contributors need to click the Contributor License Agreement link according to the bot’s prompt to sign the CLA.

  1. The link at this point is your PR submission link. The just-submitted PR link: Update a grammatical errors by Candicepan · Pull Request #103 · pingcap/book.tidb.net · GitHub

Post a screenshot or PR link in the comments section of the community activity to participate in the PR contribution points activity. Once the PR is merged, you will receive the corresponding points.

| username: 张雨齐0720 | Original post link

Voted, there are several good names.

| username: 数据小黑 | Original post link

The name “TiDB In Action” is good, it continues the tradition and is easy to understand. We all start studying databases by buying an “In Action” book, haha.

| username: Mark | Original post link

Voted +1

| username: tracy0984 | Original post link

Voted, looking forward to the new book~~

| username: Z六月星星 | Original post link

Voted +1

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

I think the second one is better.

| username: TiDBer_yyy | Original post link

Voted +1

| username: neolithic | Original post link


| username: cyrusmaster | Original post link

Voted, voted.

| username: 索隆爱喝酒 | Original post link

Quickly voted.

| username: 西伯利亚狼 | Original post link


| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

PRs submitted:


| username: TiDBer_fzSyP5rk | Original post link


| username: lxs_data | Original post link

I still prefer TiDB In Action, it feels more meaningful.

| username: 望海崖2084 | Original post link

Voted In Action

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

Voted 2

| username: dockerfile | Original post link

Why is the tag after your name so impressive?

| username: ngvf | Original post link

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